19. Heart Eyes

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Author's Note:

Park Ho Seok will be addressed as PHS for short-form or Mr Park from here on in the story.


Taehyung's POV

I dropped Joon hyung at his place and agreed on a time for a meet up later regards to the sudden plan after agreeing to become Park Ho Seok's personal event stylist.

I drove back to my home to take a shower and grab some meal before heading out again.

As I stepped into the cold shower, my mind drifted back to a certain someone I saw upon entering the cafe earlier.

How can I ignore the bunny face who I almost kissed not too long ago? I felt a sense of pull towards him when I saw him earlier but I made sure to keep a cool and collected composure as I know our target PHS was inside the cafe.

And as of now, I have to come up with a plan with my brothers so that we can get closer to this asshole which probably will ease the process of getting him alive under our custody.


At Namjoon's house

I walked in at the agreed time finding both Yoongi hyung and also Joon hyung sitting by the couch while chilling.

"Geez hyung, aren't we suppose to be planning on how to get shit done?" I mocked as I joined them on the couch snatching the chip bag from Joon hyung

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"Geez hyung, aren't we suppose to be planning on how to get shit done?" I mocked as I joined them on the couch snatching the chip bag from Joon hyung.

"Relax Tae, we have it all ready." Yoongi hyung lazily yawned.

"Ready? I thought we were supposed to discuss this together, what do you mean by ready?" I wasn't getting what he meant by ready coz shit, I didn't get my ass all the way here for nothing.

"Yea Tae, we have figured out an alternate plan to ruin PHS's entire illegal business." Namjoon hyung backed up.

"Well I dont know what the plan is but I am certainly not happy that you guys discussed without me." I was getting annoyed.

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