45. Betrayal

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Third Person POV

Taehyung was stunned.

What on earth is happening? Why is PHS here? Isn't he suppose to be in their secret base?

"Surprise surprise V." James laughed mockingly, secretly enjoying the stunned face on V as the other stared back him in confusion.

"Well. I bet you have a lot of questions, don't you V?"

"James. I have no fcking idea what is your game plan but let them go. I don't give a fck what you wanna do with me or PHS but the others need to go."

"Awww, why would I do as you say?"

"Coz, I will fcking rip your head off if anything happens to those 4 and I am not kidding."

V was trembling in anger and he was dead serious when he mentioned that he wants his Hyungs, Jin and Jimin to be released, unharmed.

"Urm, you said to let go of those 4. So...can I keep this cute one?"

James was quick to near Jungkook and grabbed the younger's wrists together at his back. Causing Jungkook to struggle against him.

"T-tae...ahhh, let me go!!!!" Jungkook was already shocked by whatever that was unfolding in front of him that he wasn't prepared to reflex against James when he came to him.

"FCK! JAMES. I SWEAR TO GOD, LET HIM GO, OR I WILL KILL YOU. RIGHT NOW." V was yelling on top of his lungs when he saw James was holding Jungkook hostage now with a gun on his right temple.

"Shhh, relax V, do not scream at me. I might get scared and accidentally pull the trigger." James smiled a fake sweet smile.

V was ready to leap forward but he took his left foot back and was contemplating if he should charge forward as he was swinging back and forth keeping his right foot on guard. He cannot afford to make a wrong move and risk the psycho to pull the trigger.

"Now tell me V, do we have a deal? I want you to die and I promise I will let the others go. Even this cute one."

James giggled.

Is he a fcking psycho? V thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes very carefully keeping his attention fully on Jungkook and James now.

His original plan to divert whoever the kidnapper is and get Jungkook to sneak out with the others have clearly failed.

V was internally kicking himself and cursing about the fact his stupid brain couldn't come up with a more reasonable plan. But again, he is on the hot seat now, 1 vs many, how was he supposed to deal with it anyway?

He thought for a moment. He needs time. He still plans to divert James, he just needs the time.

"Fine. But I have questions. Answer me and I will follow your wish."

James smirked.

"NO TAE!! Don't fcking listen to this asshole!" Jungkook was still struggling to free himself but he was certainly not ready to see Taehyung sacrificing himself for all of them.

"Shut up pretty boy. Or else you won't stay alive in the next min."

James was growing impatient with Jungkook. He did find the younger very adorable, but he just thinks that Tae is worth more of his attention now.

"JUNGKOOK. JUST SHUT UP. It's none of your business." V narrowed his eyes and warned the younger to just follow his cue. He was praying to God that Jungkook will just play along and focus on freeing the others.

"No, I won't! I cannot let you sacrifice yourself!" Jungkook was too caught up with his emotion that he wasn't thinking at all.

V closed his eyes tightly for a sec and cursed under his breath. He cannot be babysitting Jungkook now so he knew he needs to do what he has to do.

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