51. Back Again

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Taehyung's POV
It didn't take me long. I've been here once and somehow my heart knows the path in and out.

As a matter of minutes, I located Jungkook's car by shade and I pulled mine beside his. Parking them side by side.

As I step out of my car, all I can see at the far distance is just a blanket of darkness. I have resorted to navigate the small pathway leading to the lake house with my phone torch.

There it is.

A cozy little hut in the middle of the woods overlooking the lake. I have grown to love this place in just a day.

I climbed onto the front porch and tried to see if I can sneak in without Jungkook knowing

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I climbed onto the front porch and tried to see if I can sneak in without Jungkook knowing.

Classic, I know. I mean how would I wanna catch him off guard if I don't sneak up on him? Clearly, he has been avoiding me and I can't give him another reason to run away from me.

I tried to pull down the door handle and again surprise surprise! It's not locked.

Geez, I have to make sure I tell him to lock it next time, that bunny boy never learns his lessons. It's so dangerous out here.

I quietly opened the door and sneaked myself in after taking a close look around the spacious living room stretched all the way to the kitchen.

No sign of Jungkook.

Alright, then it means he must be upstairs. in his bedroom or something.

The thought about his bedroom brought a cheeky smile on my face. Ooofff, that was a good fck.

I tiptoed next to the first floor, remembering my way through even though the last time I was climbing these stairs, I had Jungkook wrapped around my waist.

I came to the bedroom door and saw it was wide opened.

Again. Doesn't this boy have the courtesy of locking his doors or closing them? Dear Lord.

I walked in easily when I notice he was not inside the room either.

Where could he be?


Third Person POV

Taehyung was standing in the middle of the room, taking in 360-degree turn trying to see if Jungkook is somewhere in the room.

I mean...you can't possibly miss a 5 ft 11 muscle boy if he is indeed inside the room, isn't it? Well, Taehyung thought it's just for the best to peek every single corner, just so he don't find a certain bunny hiding, waiting to jump out on him.

It doesn't make sense. I know. But it does for Tae so we are gonna leave it that way.

"Where could he be?"

Tae mumbled to himself as he bit on his fingernails. Thinking very hard.

That's when a faint peach and musky scent hit through his nostrils. Followed by the shower sound, indicating the water was running in the bathroom.

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