Epilogue 1: The Nasty

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⚠️SMUT Ahead

Jungkook's POV
I can't believe Taehyung abducted me over his shoulder in front of our Hyungs. Omg, can he make me feel more embarrassed than this?

As I was squirming and kicking in his hold, I heard him yell back to Jin Hyung.


OMGOSHHH! What was that????

"YAH STUPID KIM, why would you say that to Jin Hyung?"

I shielded my face as he managed to ram through my room door and threw me on the bed after locking the door.

Great, at least he managed to lock it. God knows what will happen if someone walked in on us later.

Wait? Am I expecting something to happen now? Well, I'm certain you are expecting something.

"What? I am speaking nothing but the truth."

"Kim Taehyung, you do not, I repeat do not have the permission to touch me."

I sat myself up against my headboard as I gave him a dead stare. I hope I looked intimidating coz he seemed to quiet down but definitely doesn't look scared.

I noticed his eye fcking me from head to toe and gave his lips a quick lick with his tongue when his sinful look reached my lower half.

I do not wanna know what is running through his mind.

"Why would I even bother with permission when you're all mine?"

He jumped on the bed and straddled me with his hands on my chest. I feel his touch roaming my broad chest and face coming closer to mine.

My breath hitched and I felt the heat crawling up my cheeks. I will forever be a slave for Taehyung's touch and his lips on me.


I left out a moan, throwing my initial intimidation and shame out the window. As he planted tiny kisses along my cheeks, jawline to finally positioning his plump lips on my neck, I knew the similar heat pooling in my stomach won't resolve until I have him inside of me.

"T-tae...fck me."

"So soon?" I heard him chuckle while his lips ghost around the nape of my neck and collar area as he pulled down my shirt devouring my skin which was growing hot with every single second.

I just had the energy to nod my head when my mouth betrayed me with another lewd moan as I grab onto his hair, arching my hip upwards, aching for frictions.

"Ok baby."

I smiled as I know I will be treated rough but lovingly in a matter of minutes.

I felt a painful suck on my collar but I let it pass as I love to witness the aftermath of purple bruises on my skin when we are done with one another.

Tae parted his face off the nuzzle of my neck as he yanked his shirt off while I did the same. Good thing we wore comfortable sweatpants so discarding it was a piece of cake.

Allowing me just enough time to take in his full glory, Taehyung pulled my leg downwards making me lay comfortably under him.

It's my turn to now run my hands over his smooth and hard chest, blessing my eyes with his build. I licked my lips as I moved my head forward trapping his aching nipple with my mouth, giving it a good suck.

I don't play favoritism. So, while I was making him a moaning mess with sucking one side, I used my hands to gently rub and pinch his other bud allowing him to throw his head back in pleasure.

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