31. Different

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Taehyung's POV

I reached much faster than expected to Jin Hyung's house to find my brother's car parked by the porch.

I took a few moments to calm myself down and straighten my face back to the usual Taehyung face before stepping inside the house.


After hearing a whole round of explanation and witnessing sobbing Jimin by the corner, I finally figured out what was happening.

So, apparently, someone switched Hobi's medication which caused his health to deteriorate and Jungkook went missing for the past 2 days.

On top of that, I am constantly being shot by eye daggers courtesy of my lovely brothers who are thinking that I am potentially the reason behind all these.

"So, what are we doing here?"

I said as I looked around the living room and honestly getting a bit tired of all the soap opera dramas of crying and whines.

Again, I was being greeted by 2 pairs of fierce eyes piercing daggers and 2 pairs of what the fck is wrong with me kind of eyes by Jungkook's brothers.

"Geez, shouldn't we be reporting to the police by now or just do something about it? Sitting around and crying is not gonna solve the problems."

As a matter of fact, I said it loud and clear while taking a sip of water.

"Taehyung, it's not as easy as you think it is to report to the police." Yoongi Hyung tried to speak through gritted teeth as in warning me about the risk of getting the cops involved.

"Well, then how are we suppose to find Jungkookie, tell me Yoongi hyung??" I played dumb with my innocent voice.

I swear I can see smoke radiating through my hyungs' head and damn it, I love it. It's not every day I get to bully them. Right? Right.


Joonie Hyung was about to say something while I readily rolled my eyes when the front door was opened in a rush.



Jeon Jungkook was standing there at the front door with a backpack.

What the fck? Isn't he suppose to be missing?

Third Person POV

All the 5 heads in the living room turned to face the front door when Namjoon was cut off by the sudden loud sound.


Jimin was quick to stand up and rush to the front door and attacked the younger with his hug.

"Kookie! Kookie! Where were you? Hyung was so worried. Kookie are you ok?" Jimin continued to attack the little one unable to control his tear of joy seeing his brother is back.

"Jimin, calm down, let him settle down. Come here." Jin was the next to join the reunion while he engulfed the two into a huge bear hug and pecked the little one on his cheek feeling a run of relief washing him over.

"Jungkookie, come. Sit down, are you ok?" Jin asked after manage to peel Jimin off Jungkook who was hugging him like a koala.

"Yea. I'm fine Hyung." Jungkook said while following his brothers to the living room noticing the presence of the other 3 in the midst.

His eyes went directly to the black raven hair on the couch who was sipping his water without breaking his direct stare.

"W-why is everyone here? Something up?"

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