23. Mine

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A/N: Hey guys, things are so tough right now with the outbreak of pandemic Covid -19, we are under lockdown and things are very tough. I'm trying to hold on as much as possible and I hope you guys are to at the moment. (26/3/20)

Now let's continue the story shall we? A little bit of distraction will be fine. :)


Third Person POV

Taehyung was gritting his teeth and clenching his fist in anger that he didn't realize how hard he was holding himself back until he was hit with a metallic aftertaste in his mouth.

"Shit." He muttered to himself when he noticed he was accidentally bitting on his lower lips until it drew some blood off him.

He couldn't believe what he just saw.

He clearly peaked through the slightly opened door to witness that his bunny...I mean Jungkook was seated on top of the study table in front of PHS.

From Taehyung's POV, it looked like PHS was facing right at Jungkook's groin and this doesn't look too comfortable to Tae

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From Taehyung's POV, it looked like PHS was facing right at Jungkook's groin and this doesn't look too comfortable to Tae. He also visibly saw PHS was running his hand up and down on Jungkook's thigh where the younger flinched a little and rubbed his neck nervously under the asshole's touch.

Taehyung's POV

Holy shit. What the fck is that PHS doing touching Jungkook like this? I don't even know why am I being so worked up looking at them but I feel like shit.

Does Jungkook even know that PHS is lusting him with his eyes? Hyung my ass, why is he pretending to be so nice to Jungkook and be his hyung when I think he just wanna get into his pants?

I need to do something.

I relaxed myself a little and put a more serious face on before straightening my posture.

"You got this V." I said it a few times as a mantra before I flung the door open.


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