27. Lies

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Third Person POV

After an eventful encounter with the elder, Jungkook quickly dressed and hurried down the stairs as he can sense Jin was about to call him any second.

As soon as his foot step on the ground heading to kitchen...


Jin was already yelling.

"Hyung calm down, I am here." Jungkook flushed a little feeling embarrassed when he saw all the other Hyungs are laughing at him.

The younger just embarrassingly giggled a little flashing his bunny smile while looking around the table admiring his Hyungs. Not until his eyes fell on a pair of dark orbs staring back at him.

Gulp. Taehyung. The kiss. The stare. The painting. Oh Lord.

Jungkook's bunny smile suddenly fell dramatically off his face where he pressed his lips into a thin line feeling heat creeping up his cheeks.

"Now, come here, sit down, we have been waiting for ages." Jimin tapped the seat beside him which is very conveniently at the direct opposite of where Taehyung was seating.

The younger felt a little tense as well coz Taehyung did not flinch a little nor did he joined in the laughter with the others.


Dinner went on well among the boys where they all shared good laughter until someone decided to ask something.

"So Jin Hyung, I see someone is missing? Where is Hobi?"

Yoongi was finishing off the last piece of lamb on his plate when he realized the usual cheerful laughter and presence was not present in the room.

"Oh yea, I completely forgot about Hobi, I was thinking he might join us later for dinner but he is not here?" Namjoon perked up his curiosity when Yoongi pointed out.

"Oh yea, I completely forgot about Hobi, I was thinking he might join us later for dinner but he is not here?" Namjoon perked up his curiosity when Yoongi pointed out

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"Err...well Joon ah, actualy.." Jin put down his fork and turned to look at the curious boys.

"Is everything ok?" Taehyung was the last to speak and he was curious as well.

While Jin was struggling to answer them without upsetting his own brothers, Jungkook cleared his throat a little turning the attention on him.

"Urm, actually, Hobi Hyung went out of town. He..he will be back maybe in a week or so. He is not here today." Jungkook smiled while he lied his way out.

Jin and Jimin furrowed their brows in confusion at the younger's explanation but then they decided to keep it low when Jungkook shot them both a very weird look while pressing his lips together. They know the younger probably is not comfortable talking about Hobi with the others.

"Err...yea..Kookie is right. Hobi Hyung is out of town." Jimin tried to support the little one hoping they won't ask further.

"Oh..I see. I didn't know about it. That's why I asked." Namjoon brushed it off and said it's alright, they don't have to fill in further.

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