21. Nope

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No One's POV

"Absolutely no." Yoongi was furiously shaking his head indicating his decision to Taehyung who was sitting across the older in his Genius Lab couch.

"But hyunnngggg...." Tae started to reason it out with his cute little pout.

"Shut up before I slap that pout off your face V." Yoongi again spoke coldly to Taehyung who frowned a little knowing that this is Suga talking, not his lovely (or maybe not) hyung Yoongles.

"It's not my fault. I took the opportunity when I saw it. That mother fcker PHS wanted to have someone to assist Jimin with the IT support so I thought about you. Wouldn't it be easier for you to sneak in your plan if you're part of the team too?"

Taehyung crossed his arms and tried hard to knock the sense inside Yoongi.

"Taehyung, I know what you were trying to do, but you suggesting Yoongi right away could have gotten us all in the risk of being exposed." Namjoon rubbed his chin while explaining to Tae on why Yoongi is being mad about the plan.

"And second of all, don't try to be a smarty pants, I know it's not PHS who wanted an assistant, its that little mochi and you just so conveniently made me his assistant."

Yoongi scoffed off

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Yoongi scoffed off.

"Hold up, hyung are you being salty coz you're assigned as an assistant?" Namjoon turned his gaze to the older who was already boiling and letting out steams eyeing them.

Namjoon soon realized he is throwing oil to the already fuming fire so he just lifted his hands in defeat indicating to Taehyung that he is in deep shit.

"Urgh, come on Yoongi hyung, its not a big deal. And heck we won't get exposed. I have that PHS ass wrapped around my finger, I will keep him distracted, and you can keep Jimin distracted."

Taehyung wiggled his brow playful not bothering Yoongi who was about to throw a fist at him.

"Yah you little rascal," Yoongi shouted (playfully of coz) at the younger and throw a pillow hitting Taehyung right in his face.

"Ouch! HYUNG! This is not how you thank me for getting a chance with Jimin."

Taehyung rubbed his forehead and scrunched his nose feeling the impact of the pillow hit.

"Shut up you little devil. Now I have to pretend like an assistant to someone who probably has knowledge lower than me AND THAT TOO BEHAVE ALL NOBLE. ALL THANKS TO YOU."

Yoongi slumped back in his seat sighing continuously not liking part of the plan.

It's always Taehyung who does the front liner job while he just sits with his laptop and iPads planning on the attacks or deals. Yoongi absolutely hates to interact with others outside of his close circles and he hates it that he has to work under Jimin for this.

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