20. Buddy?

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Jungkook's POV

"Jiminie Hyung!!!" I yelled from the kitchen.

No response.

"JIMINIEEE HYUNG!!!!" I yelled louder.

"OMG will you stop? WHATS UP??" I flashed my bunny smile as I saw Jiminie Hyung ran down the stairs while tucking in the shirt into his pants.

"Come on. We are late. We should meet Mr Park at 10. It's already 9 Hyung. Don't make me regret getting you an opportunity to work as his tech assistance."

I said as I grabbed a bag of sandwich for Jimin Hyung to munch while we drive our way to Mr Park's office.

"Duh. His office is like 10 mins away. And it's only 9! Why are you exaggerating like we live in 2 opposition sides of the world?" Jimin Hyung rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't be a meanie. Jin Hyung said we should always be early." I pouted.

"Yah talking about Jin Hyung, where is he and Hobi Hyung?"

"Oh they went to the cafe earlier. Since we will be occupied for a while with this side work, they had to cover the shifts at the cafe."

Well to be honest, Me and Jimin Hyung felt bad to leave the cafe under both our hyungs. But they insisted that me and Jimin Hyung chase our real dream and talent rather than being "caged" in a cafe.

Although we beg to differ, I have to admit that art is my passion and IT or tech related work is Jimin hyung's passion. He is super talented when it comes to IT and tech that I'm sure even Google would hire him!

"Yah Kookie, come on let's go, don't stand there dreaming. We will definitely be late then."

I was snapped out of my thought when Jimin Hyung tap my shoulder slightly.

I quickly followed him to the car after locking the door. Ready to meet Mr Park for my official start date.
At PHS's office 

At PHS's office 

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"Hi. I'm Jungkook? And this is Jimin. We are here for Mr Park." I requested at the reception counter.

"Morning Mr Jungkook. You may go to level 17 to find Mr Park's office." The lady politely informed me.

Sweet. Ok level 17.

We went up to Level 17 and was immediately assisted towards Mr Park office.

"Hi hi Jungkook! Jimin. Come on in." Mr Park greeted and hugged both of us.

I can't point it out exactly but Mr Park is very nice. I'm very grateful to have him liking my art work and giving me such an opportunity to exhibit it in a high class event.

Mr Park was also kind enough to take in Jimin Hyung to work as his head IT operator for the event. Although this is a one time event, he promised to put in good recommendations for us both to pursue our passions later on.

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