36. Target Is Set

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Taehyung's POV

I was sipping on my champagne while serving my perfect looks to everyone present. After all, I can't look average if I am accompanying that asshole PHS right?

I left PHS aside but still kept him in my view as I went to a corner to check on both Suga and RM.

"Suga? Is everything clear in the sound room?"

"Yea, copied and things are all clear. You're doing good V."

"Thanks. How about you RM? Everything is looking good from the base?" I spoke through the tiny mic that was attached to my suit button.

"Everything is clear V. I must say, you're doing a fab job with PHS there, he literally has his eyes locked in you."

I grinned knowing I am doing a fab job keeping him glued to me.

"Well, then it will be more than easy to ask him out of the event hall when times comes. Speaking of, it's 730 PM now, I will execute our plan at 750 PM sharp."

"Yea, everything is under control from my side. I will turn the system off at precisely 755 PM, and you have to make sure you walk out at 8 PM sharp.

"But Suga the guards? They will be at the gate." I quickly glanced over to the entrance and saw 6 guards were there screening everyone going in and out recording it in the system.

"Chill. I will adjust the system to backlog the time stamp. Your ring has a small sensor which will enable you to pass through without triggering the scanner. So, the system will indicate you leave about 830 later on, and not at 8."

I was proud of Suga Hyung and I know I can always depend on him.

"You are the genius Suga."

"Well, I don't own a Genius Lab for nothing. But just make sure everything is done on time. Not even a sec late."

"Done." I copied my voice over and returned my champagne glass to find that shithead PHS.

Now, where is he?

Ahha, there he is, flirting with some other guy. I rolled my eyes as I put on a seductive smile while I approach him.

"Hey Mr Park, having a good time so far?" I sneaked my arms around his waist and gently squeezed it while batting my eyelash.

"Hey Taehyung, indeed. I am enjoying this so much. Especially with you here."

I giggled as it didn't take me two seconds for PHS to ditch his attention from the earlier male he was talking to.

"Very well then, don't you think it's getting a bit crowded here? I mean we can go somewhere else to talk?"

I leaned in and blew into his ears while planting a soft kiss beneath his ear lobe.

I saw him tremble. Perfect.

"U-urm now?" He asked me questionably as he looked around the event which was still very crowded with guests and partners.

"Yea, I promise. I will be quick." I winked at him.

I saw his face turned a darker shade in red and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Babe, you're making me very horny right now."

"That's part of the plan Mr Park. Now, meet me outside, in my car. You know which one. Precisely at 8:05. I will be waiting."

I gently kissed his cheek before turning back and checked on my watch. 7:50 PM.

As I left the crowd, I pressed on my in-ear upon hearing Suga's voice.

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