53. Love Maze

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Third Person POV

"Stop it or I will kiss you."

Jungkook need not be told twice. He stopped struggling when Taehyung threatened him that he will kiss him if he didn't stop fighting.

The younger stopped batting his arms like a lunatic and he steadied his breathing with the older seated on top of him. It was hella difficult to keep his sanity intact with the older towering over him, but he decided to maintain his poise.

"Fine. Let me go."

"Why should I? You will start beating me or worse case, run away."

"Shush it. Why would I run away? This is my house Taehyung."

"How would I know? You ran away from me for the past 2 weeks."

Jungkook gulped. He wasn't exactly running away, but he was just avoiding Taehyung at all costs and didn't contact him after the incident.

"We had nothing to speak about Taehyung."

"Nothing? Are you sure about that Bunny?"

Jungkook stared into the older's dark orbs. He caught no emotions on Taehyung's face apart from the interrogating look on his face, accusing him of running away.

"Yes. There is nothing else between us. It all ended at the base after Hobi Hyung came. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"S-so you just decided to leave m-me all a-alone after that?"

If only the younger wasn't pinned down by the older with half of his attention trying not to be buried with Tae's close proximity, then Jungkook would have noticed the crack in Tae's voice when he spoke.

"Weren't you the one who wanted nothing to do with me? You got what you want and you moved on. Same goes to me."

Taehyung couldn't understand what was Jungkook trying to say.

"Don't look at me like you don't understand what am I saying V."


"Don't call me V." Taehyung visibly tensed and his emotionless face now turned dark and bothered.

"Why shouldn't I? Isn't that who you are?"

"I said don't call me V. I am not V now."

Taehyung tightened his grip on the younger's wrist as he emphasized that.

"Well, you were V when you told me you said love is bullshit and was only a mere distraction. You were V when you almost shot me in the basement. You were V when you told me you were just fcking me and nothing else. You were V when you watched me leave you in the base and did nothing to come after me. So, tell me V, why can't I call you V?"

Jungkook held his warning gaze with the older.

Taehyung didn't react nor did he speak. A million thoughts were running through his mind and he couldn't believe Jungkook was still hurt from whatever happened between them.

"So..so you wanted me to stop you?"

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed. All Taehyung could reply back was about him wanting to be stopped after all that Jungkook has said, this is what Tae caught and was worried about?

"Sweet Lord V, or whatever Taehyung...it doesn't matter anymore alright. Just leave me alone."


"When will you ever learn to say yes? You always say no when I say something." Jungkook rolled his eyes again.

The younger was plotting to throw the older off himself as he turned his head to the side, not wanting to face Tae.

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