14. Curious

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Third Person POV
Taehyung didn't question anything as he followed the younger into the event hall. Although he has been curious since the beginning on the motive behind Jungkook's visit to the Royal Palace where the illegal drug dealing will take place.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Jungkook asked the older as he noticed Tae was immersed in his own thoughts with limited communication since they entered the hotel.

"Urm yea. I'm ok. Just tired from gyming." Taehyung put on a fake tired face.

"Owh. I'm so sorry I dragged you here." Jungkook felt really bad for dragging the older around so he promised to finish the viewing space quickly and head to lunch.

As the two approached closer to the event hall, Taehyung slowed down his steps to give Yoongi ample of time back at the lab to capture all the scenes and space through his secret iris camera lenses.

Just when the event hall door flung open, Taehyung received a text from Yoongi.

"V, Make sure to take  some time to screen everything. This is a golden opportunity."

"K. What's with calling me V all of a sudden?"

"Stupid. We are on a mission now. Hence code name. Geez."

"Haha ok Suga."

Taehyung smirked a little after exchanging few messages with Yoongi. He likes it when they call him V coz it makes him feel a little more powerful than just being Taehyung, almost like an alter ego if you can say so.

The older pocketed his phone and quickly trailed behind the younger.

"Wahhhhh...this place is amazing!" Jungkook stood in awe with the interior of the event hall.

Jungkook twirled around taking in the interior and the avant garde feel of it while Taehyung too stood in awe at the size of the space

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Jungkook twirled around taking in the interior and the avant garde feel of it while Taehyung too stood in awe at the size of the space.

"This is huge." Taehyung unconsciously commented.

"Yea Hyung. This is huge. Looks like a maze too." The younger chipped in.

"And that can be a problem." Taehyung mumbles.

"Huh? What Hyung? Problem?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes trying to catch what did Tae said.

"Ah nope. Nothing. I was just commenting on the place." Taehyung broke into a smile.

The younger then nodded and moved around taking in the details of the hall.
Taehyung's POV

Damn it. I didn't know the place will be this huge with multiple exits and entries. How are we gonna kidnap Park Ho Seok from here with hundreds of guests that too fully guarded?

That bastard must have thought things through to hold his illegal business in this safe and secured place.

I can't help it but to show my annoyance full on my face until Jungkook came back to me asking if I'm alright yet again.

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