13. Planning

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*Time skip - a few weeks later*

Taehyung's POV
I sighed in frustration as its been weeks since we last touched based on the movement about this Park Ho Seok guy who we were supposed to track down in regards to the drug cases around the city.

"Hyung, I can't take it anymore. Why is it taking us so long to get this fcking Park Ho Seok?" I yelled in frustration as we all gathered back in Yoongi hyung's genius lab.

"That's coz he is not in town yet Taehyung, and the event is not happening until 2 weeks from now." Yoongi hyung rolled his eyes at me.

I actually really hate it when the things I plan never finish as supposed to. It's been weeks and all we have done is spending more time with the cafe brothers and oh yea, just so you know, Namjoon hyung is officially dating Jin now.

"I don't know hyung, I feel like we are not paying attention to the things on hand. We are all fcking distracted." I sighed.

Namjoon hyung again visibly tensed on my comment. Ever since he started dating Jin Hyung, he has grown extra soft and very less authoritative like he used to. I mean he is still the smartest among us when it comes to planning and stuff, but when it comes to being cold heart towards busting some assholes up, he is no longer the cold RM I once knew.

"Hyung, you need to stop getting tense each time I make comments like that, I get it, you're with Jin Hyung now." I said to Joonnie hyung.

"I get it Tae, I am not getting tense of that, I am just thinking about what you said. We are not planning, and that can be very dangerous for us."

Yoongi hyung and I both nodded as we all gathered around the table.

"We need a plan." Yoongi hyung said.

"Yes, we do hyung, I mean how are we gonna sneak into the event that Park is organizing? I'm sure he won't allow just anyone to walk in. We don't even know the place." I was worried about the plan seeing the scale of the event and there is only 3 of us.

Definitely fewer hands.

"I think we should visit the event venue and see what we can do, and how to properly sneak Park out without anyone noticing."

I looked up at Joon hyung and agreed on his suggestion.

It didn't take long before Yoongi hyung broke into one of Park's assistant's email and get the invite list together with the event details including the venue.

"Royal Palace." I read out the event venue name.

"This man knows how to throw a party, that place is one of the most secure and highly vigilance area in the city. We will need to buckle up big time to sneak in and out." Yoongi hyung crossed his hand covering his mouth tensing a little.

"Chill hyung, we are gonna get this done no matter what. I, V, will not lose twice." I stood up feeling determined to finish off this task.

After setting a gathering time to visit the venue, we all departed our ways. As I know I have a big task coming my way, I headed to the nearby gym to pump up my workout routine keeping me fit for the task.

I do have a built-in gym at my home, but sometimes it does get a little lonely being surrounded by the same 4 walls.


I arrived at the gym and changed into my gym gear. Since it's a weekday afternoon, the gym was pretty much empty with one or two people around finishing their workouts.

I approached the bench for bench pressing and picked up a few dumbbells along the way.

I approached the bench for bench pressing and picked up a few dumbbells along the way

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