7. Consciousness

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It was past 6 hours since Tae brought Hosoek into their captive. And it's been 6 hours since Tae has been patiently waiting for the other to gain consciousness.

"Bloody hell. He is really knocked out." Yoongi walked back into the basement reuniting with Tae after settling some business on his own.

"Of coz. It's me who knocked him out. Pfftt." Taehyung yawned lazily as he has been waiting in the basement for Hosoek to wake up plus it's past midnight.

"We need him to be awake soon. His assistants might be searching for their boss." Namjoon now joined the other two as well.

"Do I look like I care? Ask the police officers to cover this up too. They know we are dealing with drug cases now." Taehyung moved to grab a bottle of water from Joon and hydrated himself.

Namjoon just nodded, low-key being afraid and upset not knowing how Jin might be feeling too.

"Hyung. You really need to look into some logic. This guy here is a drug lord. It doesn't matter who the hell he is related to, we gotta execute him." Taheyung noticed Joon was being a little worked up and he knows precisely what's up.

"Taehyung is right Namjoon. There is no point you're getting worked up for this. Jin will never know anyways."

Yoongi backed Tae up and attempted to console Namjoon who was looking very beaten up.

"They won't know unless you blurted things out." Taehyung narrowed his eyes at his Hyung not sure if it's something that he might be thinking of doing.

"Are you guys crazy? I'd risk myself being exposed to the guy I love? Hell no." Namjoon said a little loudly while he noticed at the corner of his eyes that Hosoek was flinching a little.

He quickly warned the two and asked them to get into their masks avoiding the chances of being recognized.

Taehyung covered his face and moved closer to Hosoek, pulled his chair and stayed seated while the other was tossing into his senses.

"Hello sunshine! Wakey wakey." Taehyung nudged Hoseok's body with his toes pointing at him.

"Uhh...ouch..." Hosoek groaned while his eyes was still glued shut.

"Come on, don't whimp. Open your eyes, come on." Taehyung continued to trace his toes from Hosoek's shoulder down to his abdomen.

Just on cue, Hosoek opened his eyes weakly and adjusted his gaze taking in the surrounding as well as the overwhelming pain radiating though his body.

"Who....who..who are you?" Hosoek said weakly while scrunching his nose in pain.

"Me? Well some can agree I am the most handsome face in this world or others who have crossed my bad side can simply name me as V."

"V? Who?" Hosoek was confused and his voice slowly started to tremble when he realize the condition he was in.

"Tsk. V who? Are you being serious? Don't tell me you have not heard about me coming after your ass for all the criminal offences you've done and doing now." Taehyung scoffed off.

"I have no idea what are you talking about...please, let me go..." Hosoek started to tear and beg all of them.

"For someone who deals with drugs and mafias, you're awfully sensitive, pfft looking so weak." Taehyung laughed out loud as he was definitely admiring the sight he sees.


On the flip side (a little time back to when Jin reached the Brothers Cafe to Jimin and Kook)

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