4. Success

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Third Person POV

Location: Unknown

"Is everything good?" Namjoon broke through the door and asked if everything is alright. He was left out at the cafe earlier spending way too much time adoring Seokjin that he forgot to keep up with Taehyung.


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"Yea." Taehyung popped open a can of Coke and swung his feet above the table and leaned back on his chair.

"It's about time you're back Hyung." He answered further after taking a sip of his Coke.

"Sorry Tae, I was a little occupied." Namjoon shyly admitted.

"A little? Yah I couldn't even reach out for you via the earpiece. Just admit you are into that tall broad shoulder guy. You were drooling over him!" Yoongi stepped into the room and crossed his arms over the chest.

"Ah Hyung. It's not like that!" Namjoon started to defend.

"It is like that! I saw it with my own eyes. He knows your real name too! It means you must have been very close with him." Taehyung eyed his Hyung.

"No no no! I only started talking to him about a month ago. I do visit them frequently before but just recently I started to really admire Jin Hyung." Namjoon gave out his dimple smile.

"Uh uh uh! Someone is getting shy!" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows mocking Namjoon who stood there turning all shades of red

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"Uh uh uh! Someone is getting shy!" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows mocking Namjoon who stood there turning all shades of red.

"Well. It's cool you found someone to keep yourself entertained. Now back to business. We have the target. What do we do now?" Yoongi lost interest pretty quickly about the topic and wanted to know what to do next.

"I say we officially meet him." Taehyung tossed his can of Coke aside and stood up headed to the basement.

"I guess we are about to witness something great!" Yoongi clapped his hands in excitement.

Namjoon on the other hand...not so excited coz he knows Taehyung is about to turn the shit upside down.

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