48. Clarity

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Third Person POV
The atmosphere wasn't the best nor was it comfortable once the 3 brothers stepped out of the basement. Leaving only the "mafias" behind.

Shifting back and forth, pacing his way left and right. Hoseok was devastated with what Jin said before leaving them alone. He couldn't believe he messed up the only relation he had in this world, his brothers.

"So...I guess we are all alone now?" Suga broke their silence. He was getting uncomfortable staying there with no one speaking anything about what just happened.

"When were we ever together Suga?" Hoseok dissed him.

"You know, you can actually drop that whole mafia attitude of yours Hoseok. We are in the same boat now. They didn't want us anymore. Suck it up."

Suga was annoyed, oh he was. As much as he was shattered by "loosing" his Mochi, he wasn't prepared to look defeated in front of their so-called rival - which is Hoseok.

"I don't give a shit on what you want from me, but I am warning you all, leave my brothers alone. Don't think I don't know your ill intentions with them."

Hosoek wasn't fooling around when it comes to his brothers.

"You have no right to say so."

Hoseok turned to V.

"And who gave you the rights to define my rights V?"

"Don't you think you're a little less qualified to even think about protecting your so-called brothers when all you did was leaving them alone?"

V gets it that Hoseok departed for a better life, but he just doesn't get it why Hosoek would want to come back and pull them into this nasty underground business.

"I did not come back to pull them into my world V. I wanted to ensure that no one here uses my name as a cover to execute their illegal business. I never intended to include my brothers in this. Thanks to your little shithead of a brother for falling in love with Jin."

"Oh no no no no, are you saying it's my fault now that I fell in love with Jin hyung?" RM was prepared to fight anyone now that they mentioned his love for Jin.

"YES." 3 voices echoed together shutting the tall guy off.

"Well good to know at least we agree to something together." V mocked as he noticed he yelled it with Suga and Hoseok.

"Hoseok, let me be kind and give you a piece of advice. When Jin Hyung is pissed, you don't wanna be messing with him. I can see the hurt he felt when he walked out, he is not happy with you at all."

RM advised the gang leader as best as he could knowing Jin Hyung the best, after all, its the man he loves.

"Oh, now you're telling me about my own brother? How ironic..pffttt." Hoseok felt offended.

"You left them years ago Hoseok, don't you think they are bound to change? To grow up?" V knew Hoseok didn't like what RM said but he knew his brother wasn't wrong.

Hoseok didn't reply but he stared back at them hating the truth behind RM's word.

"I think if you really want to amend things with them, then give them some time. One thing I know about your brothers...they are not bad people Hoseok."

V's mouth curled into a small smile as he remembers how fragile and adorable his bunny is. Although he kidnapped him for PHS before this, V knew it wasn't Jungkook's own evil intention.

The younger acted purely on his frustration and love for his Hyungs.

"And why are you advising me?"

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