18. Captured

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As soon as Taehyung walked in, two hearts in the room went "boom boom".

"Hi." Taehyung greeted everyone as he walked in casually joining the rest of the group. He gently tucked his hair back his ear checking to make sure his earpiece in tack which was connected to Suga back in his Lab.

"Hello there. May I know who are you handsome?" Park Ho Seok moved forward pushing Namjoon aside when he spotted Taehyung walking towards them.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Namjoon hyung's brother." Tae smiled at the guy in front of him.

By now, Taehyung know for sure this is the person he should have targeted from the beginning and not Hobi who shares a similar name with the asshole in front of him.

"Nice to meet you Taehyung. I can see the good genes in the family probably flooded you the most. Such a handsome face." Park Ho Seok was not limiting his overwhelming adoration and comments towards Taehyung.

"Well. Be careful about what you say, sir. People might think you're hitting on me." Taehyung smirked a little knowing very well this will charm him.

Everyone around the counter laughed along taking this as a joke. Jungkook, on the other hand, felt a little jealous that Tae didn't greet him personally and was slightly annoyed with the so-called flirting that's been going on in front of him.

"Urm excuse me. I'm gonna just go and clean the dishes." Jungkook said as he collected the dirty cups around and headed to the kitchen not sparing Tae a second glance.

"Oh Kookie. Remember, tomorrow meet me in my office. We have to finalise some details for the artwork. It's the exhibition in a week." Park Ho Seok winked at Jungkook as he saw the younger walk away.

Jungkook nodded and bowed a little at Park Ho Seok before retrieving himself back to the kitchen to avoid any unwanted situation with Tae. After all, they departed under an awkward situation last night from the Royal Palace Hotel.

Taehyung, on the other hand, picked up the uneasy behaviour radiating from the younger. He sort of know it might due to the fact of what happened last night but he had decided to not pay any attention to it. He needs to focus on his target and that's Park Ho Seok.

After a few minutes, all the other boys have retrieved to their respective job with either serving customers or just general cleaning around the cafe. Namjoon went to a corner pretending to be reading his book while keeping an eye on Park Ho Seok and Taehyung.

"RM? You hear me?"

Yoongi connected a conference call between himself, Tae and Namjoon. They made it a point to use their code names whenever they are in business to avoid any mistakes or chances of being recognised.

"Yes Suga. I can hear you." RM whispered to his microphone which he skilfully pinned in while walking around the cafe earlier.

V, who was talking to Park Ho Seok quickly averted his eyes towards RM at the corner and locked his eyes with him. He nodded while holding his gaze for a second indicating he too can hear Suga and RM clearly through his hidden earpiece.

"Suga. V can hear you too. All clear." RM signalled back to Suga.

"Cool. So now listen very closely. I can hear V and that bastards conversation through V's mic. I also can monitor the surrounding of the cafe." Suga updated them.

"I don't see any suspicious people or things happening in the cafe so I assume he is there to meet Jungkook. That's all." Suga later confirmed that all the coarse are clear from activities.

"So it's safe to say no illegal trading will be happening here?" RM asked again confirming the statement.

"Yes RM. No activities. I just wonder why he wanna see Jungkook."

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