24. Listen

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Third Person POV

The car ride back to Jungkook's home was covered with a pin drop silence as well as awkwardness in the air.

This is the first time they are sharing the same space alone after their close encounter in the Royal Palace event hall.

Taehyung was well aware of the silence between him and the younger hence he decided to just break the silence attempting to start a convo.

"Thanks Tae."   "So Jungkook?"

Both males spoke at the same time.

Jungkook looked over at Taehyung and the older did the same when they started laughing their asses off due to their timing.

"I swear to God, sometimes I have the worse timing

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"I swear to God, sometimes I have the worse timing." Jungkook continued laughing.

"So, Jungkook? Urm how was it with Mr Park earlier? All good?" Taehyung calmed down his laugh and went back to his usual cool composed self.

"Oh? Seokie hyung? Yea, it was great. I mean, I can only said he is like an angel in my life, who gave me this massive opportunity by just looking at my art works. Im very grateful."

Jungkook said with an innocent smile.

"Appreciate your art my ass. He definitely wasn't eyeing only your art work." Taehyung thought to himself.

Taehyung was still very curious on how and most importantly why PHS wanted Jungkook to stage his art shows?

Not to mention PHS is only using the whole art exhibition as a charity blanket to cover his underground drug deal that's gonna happen at the same time.

Then why pry on innocent people like Jungkook and his brothers?

"Jungkook, Urm can I know how did you ended up working for Mr Park? I mean he is quite a man I suppose and you're not officially having any art gallery aren't you?"

"Nope. I am just a part time art teacher. It just so happen Seokie Hyung came across the Center I was teaching and saw my displayed works. He fell in love with it!"

Jungkook mustered a small smile talking so passionately about his art work.

Tae just nodded in acknowledgement still can't believe how a criminal like PHS can be so drawn to something as ordinary as an art Center when he can possibly use his money to get the best artists in the world to paint and auction them for more money.

"Besides, Seokie Hyung is really close with Hobi Hyung for some reason. They seemed like they known each other for a long time although I think the others only knew him through me."

They are familiar with each other? Taehyung was thinking so hard about the possible connection and doubting the fact if Hobi is really as innocent he seem to be.

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