50. Fading In

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Jungkook's POV
I looked at the time on my dashboard.

8:50 PM

Tsskkk. Where am I suppose to go now? Go to my nonexistent friend's house? Or stay at a hotel? Crash at a park bench? Maybe just sleep in the car? Should I just drop my anger and go back to the house?



I walked out earlier after confessing or sort of admitting my love for Taehyung. I wasn't ready to compile with my own feelings. When Jin Hyung picked the topic on Taehyung, I figured what I was avoiding all these while.

It was me falling in love with a criminal.

Doesn't matter what Tae used to justify himself and his mafia brothers, a kill is a kill. Life has taken means death. If you're on the taking side, then you're the killer.

Sigh, why do I have to fall for a bloody criminal?

Maybe some fresh night air will help me to blow out the suffocating thoughts in me and allow me to take in a peaceful breathe.

I wind down my window, stretch an arm out, feeling the wind escaping through my finger and brushing through my hair, instantly calming me down.

I kept driving, almost in an autopilot mode.

After about an hour, I reached a familiar place.

After about an hour, I reached a familiar place

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A place where I know is now my own sanctuary. My lake house.

I smiled, knowing my mind can still know what my heart desires even when I wasn't thinking. It brought me to a place I know I can use some healing.

I parked my car nearby a tree where I have managed to build an ok looking shade to roof over my car. I think it's pretty decent.

Slowing taking my steps, careful not to stumble upon any woods and trip over, I made my way to my lake house.

Now, don't think I am suddenly rich or something alright? I actually scored a good bargain with this lake house. I like to wander a lot into the woods to paint nature and sceneries. I'm addicted to nature and I love that.

Hence, one day, when I was trailing along this path, I saw an old couple moving around with a middle-aged man. They came in a truck and I was just curious as I stumbled upon this beautiful house, looking so serene.

I found out they wanted to sell the lake house as they were moving out of the country, but unable to find a proper buyer who would take care of the property.

The middle-aged man is the old couple's son and he mentioned that his parents wouldn't want some ignorant owner to get their hands on what seemed like a valuable heritage in their family.

I was being impulsive at that time but I just immediately took the chance and hard sold myself to convince them I wanted the house and how much I loved it.

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