Horseshoe Overlook

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It was a few days later when the whole gang was getting ready to leave Colter.  The thaw had finally come so the wagons could actually be moved.  Sam was helping load things onto the wagons when she heard Miss Grimshaw barking orders around. 

"Oh for Lord's sake!  Put that book away and go help!" she yelled at Mary-Beth.  "Oh...Mary-Beth," she said in absolute disgust.

Sam chuckled as she grabbed another box to put into one of the wagons.  As she loaded it, she saw Arthur trotting up on his horse and she immediately got out of his line of sight.  They hadn't spoken on account of her still being mad at him.  Sam did her best to avoid him but it had been almost impossible to do so considering how small Colter was.  She could hear him talking as he walked up to the wagon.

"So, we gettin' out of this hellhole?" Arthur asked.

"We're gonna try.  Weather seems stable," Dutch said.

"And we just robbed a Leviticus Cornwall train," Hosea said.

"We got money in our pockets.  The worst is behind us, gentlemen.  So the question is, where now?"

"I know this country a little.  I told you, we should set up camp in Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine.  We'll be able to hide out there no long as we keep our noses clean."

"Well then let's go, clean noses and everything else.  Arthur?"

"Yes Dutch?" Arthur answered.

"Any idea on Miss Burke's situation?"

Sam's ears perked up when she heard her name being spoken.  "How would I know?  She won't speak to me."

"Then get her to speak to you."

Arthur growled.  "Why do I have to talk to her?  I don't even like her."

Dutch guffawed loudly. "Oh like hell you don't.  Arthur, I've known you for twenty years and I have never, ever seen a girl get a rise out of you like she does."

"The reason she gets a rise out of me is because she's got the biggest temper I've ever seen in a woman, and she's obnoxious and unladylike and...and the mouth on her?  I've never heard anyone speak the way she does, let alone a woman."

Sam frowned as her heart sank.  She was obnoxious?  She heard Hosea and Dutch laugh at Arthur.  Arthur was such an asshole.  She narrowed her eyes and walked around the wagon to smile innocently at the men.  "Excuse me, gentlemen."

They all glanced at her.  Arthur looked horrified while the other two looked amused.  "Yes, Miss Burke?" Hosea answered.

"If you wanted an update on my situation, you can very well ask me rather than make Mr. Sack Of Shit over here do it for you.  And as far as I know, I'm just gonna be running with you guys for awhile until I find my way home.  And as for you, Mr. Morgan," Sam walked up to Arthur with a grin and a middle finger up in his face, "go fuck yourself, you obnoxious, horrible, grumpy old bastard."

Arthur's jaw dropped and Sam turned on her heel as the other two laughed hysterically.  Sam smiled to herself as she walked to the other side of the wagon and went back to loading it.

"Oh boy, I will be so sad to see her go," Dutch said with a laugh.

"Me too!" Hosea said.  "What about you, Arthur?"

"Oh I can't wait until she's gone!" he barked out.

Sam frowned at the thought, then she shook her head.  Good.  She couldn't wait to never see him again either.  She loaded up the last box and tried to decide on which wagon to go on.  "Miss Burke!" Dutch bellowed.

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