The Surprise

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Okay, so, some of these self defense moves in this chapter are from youtube videos that I looked up about self defense, then that one scene from Miss Congeniality, and a few other videos, just fyi.

Arthur woke up the next morning with Sam laying next to him...where she should be.  Perfect.  He slowly got out of bed so as not to disturb her.  He dressed in a black button down shirt, a dark blue paisley vest, black fancy pants, brown western boots, and his daddy's hat.  He was dressing up smart today, and for good reason.  He walked out of the house and went to go to Boadicea II when he was stopped by Grimshaw.  She had a letter in her hand. 

"What's this?" he asked her.

"It's from that Mary again," Grimshaw replied.

Arthur sighed and took the letter.  "Thanks."

He opened it and started reading it.  It was another letter asking for his help.  Great.  Arthur wanted to say no, he really did.  But...well, the woman still knew how to play him like a fiddle.  And he had a weakness for damsels in distress, and Mary knew that.  So, when he was done reading the letter, he folded it and put it in his satchel. 

Miss Grimshaw put her hands on her hips.  "You're gonna go help her again, ain't you..."

Arthur nodded his head.  "Yes."

"Sam won't like that."

"Sam don't need to know."

Grimshaw's mouth dropped.  "You're gonna keep this from Sam?!"

Arthur grumbled.  "I'm just goin' to go help Mary out with somethin'.  That's it.  Then I'm...well, gonna be goin' to do somethin' else."

"Oh?  And what's that?"

Arthur looked around at the camp then got close to Miss Grimshaw.  "Just keep this a secret, okay?  Don't tell no one where I'm goin' or what I'm doin'."

"Oh, half the camp already saw that you got a letter, Mr. Morgan."

"Shit.  Alright.  Just tell everyone to keep quiet.  I have a surprise comin' for Miss Burke today."

"Ain't you gonna tell me?"

Arthur rubbed the back of his neck.  "Yes.  But don't tell anyone, alright?"

"You have my word, Mr. Morgan."


Sam stretched as she began to awaken from her slumber, the light shining through the window on her face.  She yawned and sat up, finding Arthur's side of the bed empty.  Oh yeah, he mentioned something about going into town today.  For a surprise.  Sam wondered what it was.  She got up and dressed in a blue button down shirt, black pants and black boots.  After that, she went and got her toothbrush, dipped it in her toothpaste, and brushed her teeth.  Once that was done, she spit the remains of her toothpaste into a cup.  She brushed her blonde hair and put it in a loose ponytail.  She then put on her big valley hat.

Today, she was going to teach the women of the camp how to defend themselves.  She left the house, went out on the lawn and started hollering out names. 

"Abigail!  Molly!  Karen!  Mary-Beth!  Tilly!  Sadie!  Miss Grimshaw!  Come on out here!" she yelled.

The women started gathering around.  "What's goin' on?" Karen asked.

"I have some things I want to teach you," Sam replied.

"Oh yeah?  What's that?"

"I want to teach you women self defense."

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