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"I know," Arthur said.  "But hey, don't worry.  We still got plans to kill him.  Dutch is still investigatin' that, at least."

Sam sighed in relief.  "Well, that's a good thing, then.  But let's not talk about that now."

"Fair enough.  What'chu wanna talk about?"

"I dunno.  Just...anything but Bronte."

Arthur chuckled.  "Okay."

Sam looked up at him.  "So, I don't know how weddings go back in this time, but in my time, they're pretty expensive so...how about we keep it simple?"

"Okay.  Well, we'll need a priest, a church, and at least two witnesses to see us get married.  I got a feelin' that's covered, though."

Sam suddenly had an idea.  "Hey, what about Reverend Swanson officiating for us?"

Arthur looked down at her.  "That's not a bad idea, as long as he's sober."

Sam giggled and laid her head back down.  "So, when do you want to go get the marriage license."

Arthur made a deep sigh.  "Ideally, I'd like to go today, but with, well, you know who bein' you know what, it might not be safe for you in the city."

"Then we better hurry up and kill Bronte.  I want more fudge."

Arthur cackled.  "I can always get you more, darlin'."

"You spoil me."

Arthur rolled over on top of her and smirked.  "I can spoil you with other things, too."

Sam looked down to see his erection at full standing.  "Already?"

"Uh huh."

"Well then, spoil away, Mr. Morgan," she said with a big smile.

Arthur chuckled deeply and spread her legs open.  He ran a hand down her leg and smiled. 

"God, your legs feel so smooth now.  I think I like this shavin' thing."  There was a knock on the door and Arthur pressed his forehead to Sam's chest in frustration.  "Yeah?" he called out.

The door opened to reveal Dutch.  "Arthur, I need you to-"

Sam yelped when she made eye contact with Dutch, who immediately blushed.  Arthur scowled at him.  Thank God they were covered by the blanket.

"Really, Dutch?!" Arthur snapped.

"Sorry!" Dutch said before scampering away and shutting the door.  "Anyway, uh, Arthur, that river boat poker game is tonight, in case you forgot," Dutch said through the door.  "You might want to head into town now and meet up with Trelawny."

Arthur sighed and bowed his head.  "Alright, Dutch, alriiight."

Sam giggled as she heard footsteps patter away from the door.  "Oh my God," Sam laughed.  "If only you hadn't broken the lock on the door."

Arthur cackled whole heartedly.  "Well, next time we'll put somethin' in front of the door."

Arthur climbed out of bed and began to get dressed.  Sam followed suit, then she brushed her hair and put on her hat.  Arthur also put his hat on.

"Well, good luck on the heist," she said.

Arthur gave her a kiss.  "Thank you, Mrs. Morgan."

Sam beamed at the sound of being called "Mrs. Morgan".  "I'm not Mrs. Morgan yet."

"But you will be very, very soon," he said, giving her another kiss before exiting the room.  "Tomorrow I'm givin' you a lesson with that revolver."

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