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Sam slowly regained consciousness and her eyes fluttered open.  Barely.  They were still pretty swollen from the beating she took.  She felt like she'd been hit by a truck.  She tried to lift her arm but pain shot through it and she dropped it.  "Ow..."

"Lie still," someone said next to her.

She turned her head towards the sound.  There was an old Native American looking at her.  "Where...where am I?"

"You're in Wapiti," the man said.  "I am Chief Rains Fall."

Why did that name sound so familiar?  "Samantha," Sam said.  "Sam for short."  She tried to sit up but flinched and laid back down.

"Be still, Miss Sam."

"What happened?"

"Some of my men were traveling and saw you tied up against your will.  They attacked and you were brought here."

Sam licked her lips.  Her mouth was so dry.  "And the men I was with?"

"They are being held captive by us."  Rains Fall moved closer.  "Did they do this to you?"

"No," Sam said.  "Some douche nozzle named Micah Bell did this."

"Douche nozzle?"

Sam chuckled to herself.  "It's an insult."

"I see."

"I don't suppose you have anything to drink, do you?"  Rains Fall grabbed a flask and held up Sam's head to help her drink.  It felt like heaven in her mouth as she drank the water.  Her head was set back down and the flask was taken away.  "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Miss Sam.  Now, would you mind telling me what happened?"


"Ah, seems like Uncle Sam likes you fellers even less than he likes us!" Dutch said, walking along the shore.

Arthur, Charles, Dutch, Eagle Flies and another Indian had just successfully regained ownership of the stolen horses.  "So it goes," Eagle Flies said.  "My father doesn't want to fight again.  Will one of you help me return the horses to my men?"

Dutch raised out his hands.  "Well, Arthur will, surely."

Arthur nodded.  "Yes, I can help with that."

Arthur went to saddle up on his horse while Dutch and Eagle Flies got to talking.  He didn't like the sound of what they were saying, but there was no use in arguing with Dutch.  His mind was set.  As he helped gather the horses, he saw Charles arguing with Eagle Flies.  This didn't look good.

"Your father would rather you did not do anything so foolish!" Charles shouted after Eagle Flies.  He shook his head and walked over to Arthur.  "I said I would stop this from happening.  Would you talk to him?"

"Who?" Arthur asked.

"His father."

Arthur blinked a few times.  "Speak with Rains Fall?"

"Yes," Charles said, sounding desperate.  "Would you?"

Arthur sighed.  "Sure.  I'll speak with him.  You head on back to camp, check on the others.  See if anything's come up about Sam.  Dutch's behavior, it's..." Arthur took a deep breath instead of finishing that sentence.

"I understand."  Charles mounted up on his own horse Taima.  "Thank you, Arthur," Charles said before leaving.

Arthur trotted over to Paytah.  "You ready?" Paytah asked.

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