The Bar Fight

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In her conversation with Uncle, Sam had noticed that Arthur dozed off.  It made her giggle.  His small snoring reminded her of the morning she woke up in a hotel bed and him on the floor.  He'd looked so cute then, and he looked cute now.

"Gentlemen, Miss Burke," she heard a new voice say.  Sam looked around, slightly boozed up, to find Mary-Beth staring at them all, bent at the waist.  "I think I got something good."  Arthur woke up and rubbed the bridge of his nose.  "I snuck into this fancy house, and acted like a servant girl, usually works."

Sam was impressed.  She tried to remember, as Mary-Beth went on, a movie she saw where one of the characters in it had done the same thing.  The term of such towards the character had been labeled "turtle dove". God, what movie was it?  Sam tried so hard to remember.  The conversation continued Sam went into deep thought to jog her memory.  It was something about a bunch of gangs and the Five Points and Leonardo DiCaprio had been in it...oh, such a wonderful actor that guy was.  But what was the name of the movie?  In her musings, she saw Tilly across the street talking to some guy...who was talking to her aggressively, from the looks of it.  Sam did not like the look of him.  As if by instinct, Sam got up and marched across the street.

"Miss Burke?" she heard Mary-Beth say from far behind her.

Sam watched as Tilly was dragged to the side of the building and she marched faster to intervene.

"Get your hands off me!" Tilly yelled.

"You thought I wouldn't find you, Tilly?" the man asked angrily, keeping Tilly pinned against the building.

"You can go kiss a damn snake for all I care...get off me!"

"Hey!" Sam shouted at the man.  "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" 

As the man turned and glared at Sam, she shoved him with all her might.  "Who the hell are you?!" he demanded as he was pushed back into some boxes.

"Doesn't matter, keep your hands off her!"

"Or what?" the man asked, closing in on Sam with a mean look in his eye.

Sam, not showing an ounce of fear, closed the gap.  "Or I'll tear out your fucking heart and eat it for breakfast!"

The man laughed and backhanded Sam hard, making her stagger.  However, Sam did not fall.  She tasted blood in her mouth and chuckled as she rubbed her jaw.  Sam had her fair share of fights in life and not a one of them had she ever backed down from.  Not to mention the occasional self-defense class she'd taken.  So Sam did what she did best.  Quick as lightning, she punched the man square in the nose, making him yell out.  She felt bone crunch as she made the hit, knowing full well she'd just broken the man's nose.  As he was distracted from the blood spurting out, Sam grabbed Tilly's hand and made a run for it...straight into Arthur.  Arthur grasped Sam and put her and Tilly behind him, glaring the man down.

"You wanna keep goin', or are you gonna get good and lost?" Arthur asked with a threatening tone to his voice.

Sam's insides fluttered about.  For some reason, anytime she saw Arthur become hostile towards other men, it made her feel warm and tingly inside.  The man backed up a few steps as he held his nose.  "You're makin' a big mistake, Tilly Jackson," he said nasally.

"Just get lost!" Tilly belted out.

As the man left, Arthur shifted around and looked at the two.  "Tilly, go wait with Uncle and Mary-Beth, they're across the street."

"Okay.  Thanks Arthur, thanks Miss Burke."

"You're welcome," both Arthur and Sam said in unison. 

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