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"You're awfully quiet," Arthur said to Sam while riding in the direction of camp.

Sam was quiet.  She had a lot on her mind about the lion.  "Just thinking about that lion, is all," she said quietly.

Arthur sighed and trotted closer to her.  "Wanna go into town and get drunk?"

Sam chuckled a little.  "Why is it that you think every problem can be fixed with alcohol?"

"I dunno.  It'll help take your mind off things."

Sam shrugged.  She might as well.  "Alright," she sighed.  "Let's go get drunk."

They began to gallop as they went along the way but when they arrived in Rhodes, Arthur pointed out that Dutch and Bill were in town.  Sam looked to where he was pointing and saw The Count and Brown Jack.  "Huh.  Wonder what they're up to?" Arthur said.  "Probably at the Sheriff's office."

"That's a good guess, I suppose."  Sam remembered Arthur and Dutch and a few others were not ingratiated with the local law, so it was a good guess.  "Wanna head over there? See what they're doing?"


Sam and Arthur tethered their horses across the way and casually walked over to the sheriff's office.  As Arthur opened the door, Sam heard Dutch inside. 

"Of course, of course," Dutch said, sitting on the edge of the sheriff's desk.  Bill was sitting behind a man who Sam assumed was the sheriff.  "Oh, and here is my dear friend, Arthur Callahan.  Boy is a hunter, boy is a killer."  Dutch got up and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder.  "Arthur, you've met but not been introduced to Mr...oh, I'm so sorry, Sheriff Gray."

Sam could immediately tell the sheriff was drunk, but he looked at her with a skeptical look.  "And who are you?" the sheriff asked drunkenly.

Sam's eyes went wide.  "Uh, Sam.  Sam...Callahan."  She figured everyone was using made up names so she might as well join in.

Dutch grinned at Sam in approval.  "Yes, this is Sam Callahan.  Arthur's wife."

Sam jerked her head in Dutch's direction with a look of disbelief, but she kept her mouth shut.  Meanwhile, Arthur's cheeks went bright red.  Sam looked back at the sheriff with a grin.  "Yes.  I'm Arthur's wife."

"Oh.  It's a pleasure to meet you both.  And how are you doin', Mr. and Mrs. Callahan?"

"I'm fine," they both said in unison.

"Tough business you boys had."

"We did?" Arthur asked while looking at Dutch.  Dutch gave him a wink.

"Oh, there's no need to pretend with me, sir.  Life can be tough."

"So it can."

"And no man owes another anything."

"No, sir."

"But still," the sheriff wobbled to get up, "I feel like you were hard done by, losing your employment like that.  But still, here in Rhodes we have work enough for honest men." 

The sheriff offered Arthur a jug of moonshine and Arthur took a drink.  "That's some strong stuff."

He handed it to Sam and she put the rim of the jug to her mouth cautiously.  When she took a drink, it felt like her mouth and throat were on fire.  "Jesus Christ, what is this?" she blurted out, handing it to Dutch.

The men laughed and the sheriff gave her an inebriated smile.  "That is moonshine, Mrs. Callahan."

Sam's eyebrows lifted with surprise.  Good god damn fucking balls, this really was the south.  "Excuse me a moment, the sheriff said as he stumbled towards the door. 

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