The Birthday Party

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

After some birthday cake, Sam proceeded to celebrate her birthday with whiskey and did most everyone else. Songs were played in her honor, although some were rather raunchy, but she laughed at the lyrics anyway. There was one song in particular that she liked that she wished she knew. It was called "One-Eyed Riley". She requested that song twice. There was dancing as well, and at one point, she asked for everyone's attention at one of the tables as she took her shoes off and climbed on top.

"So!" she yelled, decided to do something she saw in the movie Titanic. "You think you're big, tough men?" she asked, taking someone's cigarette and taking a puff from it. "Then let's see you do this!"

Sam lifted up her pants a little at the hem and rolled them up. She put her heels together, her turn out flawless, and outstretched her arms mildly in front of her. Yes, it'd been years since she'd done ballet, but Sam knew she still had the moves down...hopefully. Slowly she began to rise and soon she was on the balls of her feet. Now for the hard part. Sam put herself right on her tippy toes and she squeaked from the pain. Yep, this hurt, but she opened one eye to see people gawking at her feet. Now how long could she hold it for? Ah, cramp! She put her feet down flat and started giggling. People started clapping and she took bow, taking another drag of a cigarette that she'd taken from someone. "I haven't done that in years!" she shouted.

People laughed and Sam was called to do a few more moves. She stood on one foot, outstretched her arms, and lifted her other leg behind her. She put her foot back down then started twirling on top of the table over and over again. After that, she was done and she jumped off the table, taking another puff from the cigarette. More drinking ensued and eventually Sam found her way over to Arthur who was sitting on a log. She joined him with a bottle of whiskey and handed it to him, giggling as she did.

"So, how did you like my ballet performance?" she asked.

Arthur chuckled and took a swig of whiskey. "It was real impressive. How did you learn to do that?"

"Oh, I used to do ballet dancing."

Arthur handed her back the whiskey and laughed. "You're kiddin'."

"Nope, hehehe."

Arthur laughed again. "You sure are somethin' else."

"I know." Sam took another drink. Arthur took a cigarette out and lit a match with his boot. "How do you do that?"

Arthur lit his cigarette and grinned with it still in his mouth. "I dunno, you just do."

Sam giggled at him and he offered her a cigarette. She took it and he lit another match, then he lit her cigarette for her. Sam took a puff and sighed happily. "This is a good birthday party for me."

"I'm glad you think so."

Sam hummed and took a drink of whiskey before handing it to Arthur. "So, how did the grocery shopping go today?"

"Fine. We ran into some Lemoyne Raiders."

"Who are they?"

"I dunno, just some local gang."

"Did you shoot them?"

Arthur took a drink and nodded. "Yep. They tried to rob Mrs. Adler and me."

"Oh boy."


"So..." Sam leaned in close. "Did Mrs. Adler shoot them too?"


Sam frowned. "I see. Well, guess she's...quite a woman, huh?" Sam asked, bowing her head.

"What do you mean?"

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