The Bear

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Sam woke up in her tent and rubbed her eyes.  She could tell the sun was shining and she could hear birds chirping outside.  It must be a beautiful morning.  Sam could hear the boys outside rustling about so she sat up and opened the flap just barely to peek out.

"Well, she said her father died in a fight before she was born and that her mother died from leukemia a few years back.  She didn't really say much else," Hosea said to Arthur.

"I see.  That's too bad for Miss Burke," Arthur replied.  Sam dropped the flap and leaned over to hear better.  Why were they talking about her?  "She didn't say how she got down here?"

"She refused to get into that part."

"Of course.  Well, I think it's best if we don't pry into her life, Hosea.  Clearly, she ain't no O'Driscoll, so I don't see what we got to worry about."

"You're probably right.  But I'm still curious how she ended up in Colter with very little to wear for the weather."

"Ah, like I said, best we don't pry.  I think she's been through a lot."

Why did Arthur suddenly not want to get into her past business?  What had changed?  Sam lifted the flap slightly to look out at the two.  They both had their backs to her and she watched Hosea nudge Arthur with an elbow.  "Did you ever find her blanket?"

"Yes, I did, but it was so torn up, I gave it to Miss Grimshaw to sew back up.  Should've been done by now."

"I think Miss Grimshaw is waitin' for you to give it back to Sam."

"Me?" Arthur chuckled.  "Why me?"

"Because you're sweet on on her, that's why."

Sam shut the flap and clasped her hand to her mouth.  What the hell gave people that impression?  "I am not sweet on her.  You and Dutch need to get off that wagon."

"Oh come now, Arthur.  Why else would you be so adamant on her not huntin' for a bear?"

"Because she ain't ready for that!"

"And that's your problem because?"

"It's not but..." Arthur huffed at him.  "Ah hell, can we wake her up and go, please?"

Sam laid back immediately and acted like she was asleep.  She heard footsteps near her tent and the flap opening, then the smell of coffee hit her nostrils.  "Sam?  It's time to go huntin'," Hosea said.

Sam slowly opened her eyes and groaned as she got up, looking around as if she was confused.  "I smell coffee."

Hosea was holding a cup of coffee in his hands.  "Here you go."

Sam reached for it and breathed in the scent with a warm smile.  "Oh, that smells delicious," she said before taking a small sip.

She crawled out of the tent and stood with a stretch, then she drank more coffee.  Most of their small campsite had been packed up already, save for her tent and the fire.  She quickly went to work disassembling her sleeping area before loading it onto her horse's saddle.  As she finished her coffee, she eyed Arthur putting the fire out and smiled at him.  Arthur noticed her and smiled back.  They kept their eyes on each other for a moment before Sam looked away and she mounted up.  She'd been riding for almost three weeks now and while she still had a long way to go, Sam was no longer sore in the saddle as much as when she first started and she found herself to have a newfound respect for anyone who rode a horse a lot.  Specifically ruggedly handsome cowboys.  The other two climbed into the saddles and she followed them down the trail.

"We'll try our luck by the water, that's where I saw hin last," Hosea mentioned.

"Okay."  Arthur looked behind him at Sam, and she waved at him with a confused look.

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