The Argument

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After Sam explained to everyone how flight travel worked, at least to the best of her knowledge, everyone went back to doing what they were supposed to be doing so Dutch, Hosea and Arthur could plan the bank heist.  Sam watched the three talk for a bit about how to do the job. 

"I reckon," Arthur said, pointing at the map of Saint Denis on the table, "doin' it in the day, with a distraction.  If that's," he motioned to Hosea, "what Hosea is sayin'?  It's as good a plan as any."

"I, I think I agree," Dutch said cautiously.

"And we do it at night, there's the drama of just gettin' into the bank.  Can't do that silently.  They'll pick us off far easier," Hosea mentioned.

"I know, I'm...I'm just makin' sure."  Dutch looked over at Sam.  "What do you think, Sam?"

Sam blinked as all three men looked at her.  "You're asking me?!" she said with disbelief.  "I'm a waitress, not a burglar."

"I know that, but if you got any insight, future wise, well..."

Sam chuckled.  "I'm sorry, I left my tarot deck and crystal ball at home, guys."

"Your what?" Arthur laughed.

Sam rolled her eyes.  "I'm only sayin' I don't have shit to help you."

"I see.  Well, it didn't hurt to ask."

"Every plan is a good plan if we execute it properly," Hosea interrupted.  "Every problem we had was because we did not...execute...properly.  even Blackwater, from my understanding."

Dutch eventually nodded.  "You're right."  He stood up.  "Let's rob this bastard."  Dutch walled away from the table.  "Everyone get some rest.  We ride out tomorrow morning.  Look smart.  Travel light."

Arthur walked over to Sam.  "So, let's uh...let's go upstairs and talk for a minute, Sam."

"Okay," she replied. 

They went upstairs to their room and Arthur shut the door.  "What are your plans?" he asked.

"My plans?  For what?"

"For the day."

Sam shrugged.  "I dunno.  Why?"

Arthur smirked and marched over to kiss her passionately.  "Let's go do somethin'."

"Like what?" she giggled.

"Hmm."  He kissed her again.  "We could use some more fudge."

Sam giggled again.  "Okay, but I bet I could introduce you to something even better than fudge."

"What's better than fudge?"

Sam grabbed his hand and walked to the bedroom door with a smile.  "Let's go find out."

The two laughed like little kids as they raced out the door, down the stairs, out the house, and to the horses.  Sam and Arthur saddled their mounts and went trotting off from camp towards Saint Denis.


Arthur looked at his vanilla ice cream cone with skepticism.  "Are you sure about this?" he asked Sam.

Sam took a lick of her ice cream cone and shut her eyes, making a soft moan.  "Yes, I'm sure."

Arthur sighed and licked his cone.  As soon as he did, his eyes went wide from the taste.  It was wonderful.  "Holy shit," he mumbled.

"What?" Sam asked with a smug expression.

Arthur glared at her playfully.  "Fine.  It's delicious."

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