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So, yeah. I'm making the epilogues into chapters now because according to people on some fanfiction facebook groups...I hAvE tOo MaNy EpIlOgUeS. I say it like this because, well, some of them were assholes about it. Anyway, on with the story.


Clint's horse was clearly tired from the ride as he was snorting, pawing the ground and frothing at the mouth. Sam could also tell that Clint was out of breath.

"What do you mean he was taken by the Drekoni?!" Sam demanded. "How the fuck did that happen?!"

"It was pure chaos at Le Ute Ute. Arthur got separated from the rest of us and was knocked out, bound and taken to the back. We killed all the guys but when we got to the back, he was gone along with the Drekoni who knocked him out. There was a back door."

"And you guys didn't bother to have men at the back door?!"

"We did! But they got killed!"

Sam began to pace back and forth. This was bad. She almost wanted to tear her hair out with worry, but she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

"Okay, where would they have taken him?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Clint replied with a frown. "There are multiple places throughout the city where he could be now."

Sam face palmed herself. "Well that's just fucking great!"

She looked around as if to find a solution in thin air, but she found no comfort in it. She growled in frustration, threw up her hands and walked inside the house to find her husband's shotgun. She was muttering all sorts of curses as she looked around their bedroom for it, finally finding it in the closet.

"Mother fucking Jesus god damn Roosevelt Christ, you just had to get your dumbass kidnapped, Arthur," Sam said to herself as she started loading up the gun with shells. "Couldn't play it safe and stay with the group, could ya? Now I have to go save your stupid fucking ass..."

She twitched when she saw Clint walk into the room. He was silent for a few moments before saying anything.

"You know I'm gonna help you get him back, right?" Clint said.

Sam cocked the gun. "Of course, but I'm sure Dutch and the rest will want in on this too."

Clint and Sam left the house and went door to door to John, Bill, Javier, Charles, Sadie and Dutch's bungalows and all agreed to come to save dear old Arthur. Sam made a stop at the girl's place to ask them to watch over the kids. They agreed. The men, Sadie and Sam all bridled and saddled their horses before taking off into the dead of night.


Arthur received another punch to the face while tied to a chair. He let out a groan, his head now turned to the side. Ever since they brought him to who knows where, they'd beaten the piss out of him and he was not enjoying the hospitality at all. He could only hope that the other guys got out, that they could figure out where he was, and that they could come and get him. Arthur knew Sam would be furious and want to join in on his rescue.

He received another punch to the face and he groaned again. So far, the men who had taken him hadn't asked him any questions and they spoke in Tahitian around him. Therefore, Arthur had no idea what they were saying. Another punch to the face and he almost yelped. That was a really hard punch.

"Do any of you fellers speak English?" Arthur asked the men in the dark room. No response except a punch to the gut, causing the wind to be knocked out of Arthur as he wheezed. "I take that as a no," he groaned out.

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