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Arthur looked at her in disbelief.  "You're shittin' me."

Sam shook her head.  "No.  It's from a movie called "Cocktail"."

Arthur glanced over at Clint and so did Sam.  Clint had just finished making a drink for a customer.  Sam grabbed her glass and gulped down the rest of the water.  "It can't be a coincidence.  It just can't be."

"Well, what are ya gonna do?"

Sam smirked.  "I have an idea."

Clint came back over and refilled Sam's water while Arthur chugged the rest of his beer.  "Would you like another beer, Arthur?"


Clint grabbed another bottle and handed it to Arthur.  "Clint, I have a question," Sam said abruptly.

"Shoot," Clint said with a smile, cleaning an empty glass with a white cloth.

Sam closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then she opened them and looked Clint square in the eye.  "Do you know how to make a Red Eye?" she asked in an Australian accent, doing her best to mimic the actor who said that line in the movie.

Clint's smile faded and he blanched.  "...What?"

She chuckled.  "What's the matter?  Did you forget Coughlin's law?"

Clint almost dropped the glass but quickly caught it, only averting his gaze when he caught the glass.  He set it down, turned around, grabbed a bottle of bourbon, and poured himself a drink before taking a shot.  He smirked at Sam afterwards.  "Never show surprise, never lose your cool," he replied.

"Ha!  I knew it!" Sam exclaimed.  Clarice showed her displeasure at Sam's outburst and whimpered.  "Oh, sorry Clarice."

"How the fuck did you know?" Clint whispered as he leaned in.

"The name of your bar is Cruise Bar.  Was Flanagan's Cocktail and Dreams too flashy for you?"

Clint wheezed out a laugh and bowed his head.  "I thought I was alone," he said.

Sam grinned at Arthur.  He looked completely lost.  "They're just quotes from a movie."

Clint jerked his head up and gaped at Arthur.  "You know?"

Arthur chuckled.  "Yep." 

Clarice clung to Sam's face and looked around, her head moving at all sorts of different angles.  Clint looked back at Sam.  "What year?"

"2020.  You?"


"Shit, you been here for four years?"

Clint nodded.  "Yes.  Well, no.  I've been in Tahiti for two years.  I ended up in fucking California somewhere four years ago."

Sam inched closer.  "Was there a buck in a dream involved?"

Clint's eyes went wide.  "That's exactly what was involved."

Another customer called out to Clint and he excused himself once more to go deal with the patron.  Sam squealed and hugged Arthur.  "Oh my God!  I can't believe it!"

Arthur laughed, hugging her back.  "I can't either.  What are the odds that you'd run into another...time traveler?" he whispered.

"I have no idea, but I'm so excited!"

Clarice let out a long and loud chirp before bouncing up and down on the counter.  Apparently she was getting antsy.  Sam scratched Clarice's head and the animal immediately calmed down, leaning into her owner's fingers.  She grabbed Sam's glass and started chugging it again, making Sam laugh.  "You're soooo cute, I could just squeeze you to death."

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