The Blood Feud

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Sam's vision was blurry and she had a pounding headache. Her eyes fluttered open and Sam saw Jack sitting on a couch with some men. Jack looked frightened.

"Well, look who's awake," a familiar voice said.

Catherine god damn Braithwaite.

Sam struggled to sit up but realized her ankles and wrists were tied up. "Son of a bitch," Sam groaned.

Her head was pounding so hard, she could barely register what was going on. Catherine Braithwaite came into her vision and Sam scowled at her. Catherine merely chuckled. "Head hurtin'?" she asked.

Sam spit at the woman's feet. "Go fuck yourself."

Catherine shook her head and turned around to look at Jack. "Boys, make sure the boy is spruced up when Mr. Bronte arrives. The woman too."

One of the men got up from the couch and picked up Sam. Who the hell was Mr. Bronte and what did he have to do with Jack and her?

"Who the fuck is Mr. Bronte?" Sam asked.

Mrs. Braithwaite shifted around to sneer at Sam. "The man we're giving you both to."

Sam made a confused look. "Why?"

"You stole my horses."

Sam laughed briefly. "I had nothing to do with that."

"No, but your husband did."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Mrs. Braithwaite shook her head once more and walked over to Sam. "It doesn't matter. You and the boy are going to Saint Denis or on a boat to Italy. I don't care which."

Sam looked at Jack with pity. "Look, just take me and let Jack go. He's just a kid."

"Enough!" Mrs. Braithwaite screeched. "Boys, you know what to do."

Catherine left the room and Sam was left to her own imagination as to what she meant.


Arthur couldn't believe Sean was dead. He was almost in shock as he rode back into camp. What a god damn mess they were all making. They'd practically killed every Gray in town. As Arthur dismounted, he noticed a small crowd around Dutch.

"Calm down," Dutch said. "Everybody just relax. We are doin' all we can." Arthur approached the group. What the hell was going on? Dutch spotted Arthur and sighed, walking to him. "Arthur, before I say anything, I need you to remain calm, okay?"

Arthur raised a brow in confusion. "Um, okay? What's goin' on?"

"Jack's been taken."

Oh shit. Arthur looked around and spotted Abigail. She was absolutely distraught. Hosea came walking up, pointing behind himself. "We think the Braithwaite woman took them. That Kieran saw a couple of fellas, sound like Braithwaite boys."

Arthur sighed. Great. "Well, what are we waitin' for? Let's go get that boy." Arthur turned around and went walking towards his horse. When he realized no one else was following him, he stopped and turned around. "Dutch?"

Dutch approached Arthur and put a hand on his shoulder. "Jack wasn't the only one who was taken."

Arthur suddenly took note that Sam was not present. He looked at everyone before looking at Dutch. "Where's Sam?"

Dutch sighed. "Remain calm here, son."

Arthur narrowed his eyes. No. No no no no no. "Where's Sam?" he repeated.

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