Saint Denis

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Back at camp, Hosea and Dutch were busy comforting John about the boy.  Meanwhile, Arthur was pacing back and forth in Sam's tent, frought with worry for his girlfriend.  How could he have let this happen?  If he hadn't gone off into some stupid trap, Jack and Sam wouldn't have been kidnapped.  Amd she even told him not to walk into another trap.  Now Sean was dead because of it as well.  Arthur was so angry with himself, wrapped up with a side of guilt.  He wanted to hit something.  Anything.  He looked at Sam's nightstand and kicked it hard.  All he managed to do was knock the lantern off and  break the single drawer on it.  He kicked it again and knocked out a chunk of wood.  He picked up the whole thing and threw it to the back end of the tent, making it bounce off the bed.

"God dammit!" he screamed.

Arthur went to his knees and groaned.  He looked over at the broken night stand and sighed.  He'd have to buy her a new one. 

"Arthur?" Charles said outside.  "You okay in there?"

Arthur brushed a hand through his hair.  "Yeah, I'm...I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Arthur watched the shadow of Charles walk away and he stood up, walking over to the now broken night stand.  When he picked it up, the drawer fell out and random knick knacks came flying out.  Arthur rolled his eyes in annoyance.


He set the night stand down and started picking things up.  Damn, she had a lot of stuff in her drawer.  Dried up plants and flowers, some tree bark, a silver pocket watch, a few other things...Arthur grabbed the drawer and went to put the things back ib it when he noticed an inscription on the inside.  It was the letters S and B, a heart with an arrow in it, and the letters A and M. 

"What the hell?" he whispered.

Then it clicked.  It was their initials, and the heart and arrow represented love.  It was touching, really, and Arthur wondered how long it had been there.  He sat on the cot with his head in his hands, feeling dreadfully sorry for himself.  He needed a drink.  Just when he pulled out a bottle of bourbon, he heard shouting outside.  He got up and ran outside to see the gang had gathered around in a circle.  Arthur made his way over and saw two familiar faces" Agent Ross and Agent Milton.  Oh great.

Luckily, they were leaving.  Arthur walked up behind Dutch.  "What the hell was that about?" Arthur asked.

Dutch turned around to face Arthur.  "Just two idiots trying to bargain for everyone else's lives for mine."

Arthur wheezed out a chuckle.  "I see.  So, what now?"

"We get outta here.  And quick.  Any ideas?"

"I know a big old house hidden in the swamps outside Saint Denis.  I'm sure they'll find us eventually, but it should buy us a few days."

"A few days is all we need."

Arthur nodded.  "It's a spot out by Shady Belle.  Lenny, Sam and I got into that dispute with the previous occupiers.  Place is well hidden."

Dutch pointed to John.  "You and Arthur ride out and make sure no one else has moved in.  Lenny," Dutch turned to Lenny, "you go follow those fools outta here, make sure that they leave.  And John, Arthur, we'll get Jack and Sam back and we'll get gone.  Rest of you get packin'!"

Arthur approached Miss Grimshaw.  "Hey, um...I broke Sam's nightstand, but can you pack it up anyway?"

"Of course, Mr. Morgan," she said.  "Anythin' else?"

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