The Buck

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It was near dusk when Arthur, Sam, Clint and a few of Metua's men met up together by the port. Sam was trigger happy, wanting to destroy the gang responsible for attacking her entire family and almost killing her child. Apparently Metua had paid off the local law so that they could get this done without being interrupted. Sam was grateful for that, but they were still going to go for stealth and caution. As the sun was going down, they followed a couple of known Drekonis members to a couple of warehouses in the port. Sam watched the two men go into a building and she notched her bow. There were a few guards armed with guns nearby. She looked at her husband and Clint who were also armed with bows. She wondered when Clint learned how to use one.

"You ready?" Clint asked them all.

"Ready," Sam and Arthur said as the other men nodded in agreement.

Sam aimed her arrow at one of the guards and let it fly. It hit its target and the man went down just as the other two were shot and slumped to the ground. Sam, Arthur and Clint crossed the way as their men took care of the bodies. She got to the door of the warehouse and creaked it open. Sure enough, the building was full of men tending to drugs on tables. There was also a giant stack of cash on one of the tables. Sam shut the door and looked at Arthir, Clint, and the Po Taata gang members.

"They got drugs in there. I'm ready to blow this bitch sky fucking high," Sam said.

"Okay," Clint said, looking at the other men. "A imi i te vahi no te mau tiai. E haamau tatou i te pariraa." [Search the place for more guards. We'll set the charges.]

The men left with their own bows and arrows to look around for more guards. Sam, Arthur and Clint started placing dynamite around the building. This was going to be one hell of a wake up call for the Drekoni. Once the charges were set and Metua's men returned, the group got a safe enough distance before Arthur lit a match and lit the fuse that was connected to all the dynamite. They all ran away to an even safer distance to watch. Soon the place exploded and fire was set ablaze to the warehouse.

"Woa," Sam said with a guffaw. "I'll never get tired of seeing things explode."

"C'mon, let's get out of here," Clint said. "We gotta report back to Metua."

The group ran away from the docks to their horses and galloped away into the night. They headed into the city to Amo's Mining Company and hitched up their horses before walking in. Metua was waiting for them at the front desk.

"Ah, you made it. How did it go?" he asked.

"Fucking superb," Sam replied. "It was so great."

Metua chuckled. "Bloodthirsty one, aren't you?"

"They attacked our family and almost killed our son. Of course she is," Arthur said.

Metua chuckled again and stroked his chin. "Well, I hope you're ready to strike again tomorrow night. This time it'll be a bar called Le Ute Ute. It's run by the Drekoni, one of their "safe havens", if you will."

Sam nodded. "Good. Just give us the address and we'll be there."

Metua wrote down the address and handed it to her. "Excellent." They went to leave but Metua spoke up. "Oh, and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan...I'm glad your son made it."

Sam and Arthur thanked him then walked out of the building with Clint in tow. "So what now?" Sam asked.

"Guess we should go home," Arthur said.

"Yeah, it's late," Clint agreed.

Sam nodded and the three mounted up for heading out. Once they left paths with Clint, Sam and Arthur headed on home. Miss Grimshaw had been nice enough to watch Hosea for them while they were gone. Everyone else, including Clarice and the new pup, were over with the girls. Somehow, someway, Clarice and Conan had become friends. Once home, the couple thanked Susan for watching their son and she gave them a simple nod before leaving. Sam and Arthur opened Hosea's door to check on him. He was asleep. They shut the door and got to their own bedroom to get ready for bed.

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