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"Hey, they're back!  I think I see Jack!" Bill yelled as Arthur, John, Jack and Dutch rode up.

Dutch waved his hand up.  "Abigail!  Abigail!  We got you your son, everything..."

"We got him!" John shouted.

"Momma!" Jack exclaimed.

"He's fine!"

"I'm fine, Momma," Jack said as Abigail came running.  "They fed me good.  Italian food."

John took Jack off his horse and Abigail laughed happily as she neared Jack.  Arthur watched the family reunion and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.  He'd wanted Sam to be here, too.  His frown was apparent as Dutch rode up to Arthur's side. 

"Don't worry, we'll get Sam back tomorrow," he assured.

"I know," Arthur began, "but I just don't trust her in that house with that man.  I don't like the way he was looking at her."

"I know, but Sam can look after herself, I'm sure."

The two men dismounted as Hosea walked up to them.  "Where's Sam?" he asked them both.

"We ain't gettin' her until tomorrow," Arthur spat.

Hosea's eyes widened.  "What?  Why?"

Dutch sighed.  "Arthur and John had to do a job to get Jack back.  Arthur has to do a job tomorrow to get Sam."

Hosea shook his head.  "I'm sorry, but that's-"

"Horseshit!" Arthur snapped.  "I know!"

Arthur turned around and kicked a random ball of dirt away.  He huffed and puffed, putting his hands on his hips.  He was still quite furious.  And worried.  And confused. 

"Well, what's one more night, really?" Dutch said calmly.

"One more night with that...that...that piece of shit, greasy, Italian rat bastard!" Arthur shouted.  He sighed and turned around, trying to keep his anger under control.  "I'm sorry, I just..."

"I know, son, I know," Dutch said.  "I have no words right now to help you feel better, but right now, try to take your mind off things.  Let's celebrate Jack bein' back, okay?"

Arthur nodded in agreement.  At least they had the kid back.  Arthur took out a cigarette and lit it.  He watched as most of the camp gathered around the campfire with Jack to sing a song and drink.  Arthur was happy they got Jack, for sure...but he didn't really feel like celebrating.  He just wanted Sam back here with him.  Still, a few drinks wouldn't hurt.  He puffed on his cigarette for awhile before tossing it.

Arthur was grabbing a whiskey when Javier switched to a different song.  Arthur was halfway through the bottle when Dutch came to him.  "Tahiti, dear boy, Tahiti!" he said.

"If you say so," Arthur said with a glum tone before taking another drink.

Dutch laughed.  "Mangoes, maidens, unspoilt paradise."

"I hope so."

"Faith, Arthur.  Have a little faith."

Dutch walked away and Arthur shook his head.  Faith.  Yeah, well, he was finding it harder and harder to keep faith these days.  Especially since that mess in Blackwater.  It seemed like they just kept having bad luck.  He was walking around when he spotted Kieran, the O'Driscoll boy turned Van der Linde gang member.

"Loiterin' suspiciously as usual," he said to the young man.

"I...I'm just tryin' to give you all your moment," Kieran stuttered.

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