The Gator

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Arthur watched Sam go under and he immediately panicked.  "Sam!" he shouted, swimming over to where she was last seen.

Her head popped up and she started coughing.  "Ugh!  Yuck!" she exclaimed.

"What happened?"

"I stepped in a god damn hole."

Arthur took a deep breath of consolation.  "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me."

Sam chuckled and they both went over to the skiff before climbing in.  Thomas started sticking the paddle about to get the boat moving after Sam and Arthur settled in next to each other.

"Thank God," Arthur heard Jules say.  "So, er, who are these two, Thomas?"

"Two new friends of mine," Thomas responded.  "I'll explain later."

Sam looked back at Jules with a grin.  "Nice to finally meet you," she said.

"I thought I was gonna be out here all night," Jules said.

"What was you doin' hidin' up in the tree, boy?" Thomas inquired.

"This gator was huge, Thomas.  Twice as big as I ever seen.  Twice as angry too."

Suddenly the boat hit something and stopped.  "What in the hell was that?!" Sam asked heatedly.

"I think we hit a tree stump."

Arthur looked over the side of the boat.  "Yeah, I thought we'd cleared it," Thomas said.  "You gonna need to jump in and pull us free."

"Me?" Jules said. 

"Yeah, just do it, won't take you a minute, boy.  Go on."

"This is a bad idea," Jules said as he jumped into the water.

"We'll see any giant monster long before it gets anywhere near you.  We got a couple of crack gunslingers here with their guns loaded.  You'll be fine."

Jules grabbed the rope on the skiff and walked forward.  "You didn't see the thing," Jules said begrudgingly.

"Yeah, neither did you.  It's just a myth Jules, now pull!"  Jules did his best to pull but the skiff wouldn't get clear.  "Pull, boy!"

The skiff, after a few moments, got free and Jules started walking back.  Within a second, he went under the water like he was pulled down.

"Shit," Arthur said as Sam pulled out her rifle.

"He weren't kiddin'," Thomas said meekly.  "No, I'm goin' in!"

"No, you stay there.  I'll go!" Arthur said.

Sam cocked her rifle.  "Be careful, Arthur.  I'll cover you."

Jules head popped up a ways away and Arthur jumped from the boat before wading quickly through the water. 


Sam watched in fear as her husband closed in on Jules, her gun at the ready.  Jules was shouting something but she couldn't hear what he was saying, exactly.  Something about his leg, maybe?  Water rippled around Jules again and he was pulled under again.

"Damn, I can't get a clear shot!" Sam barked.

She scanned the area for Jules to pop up again but there was no sign of him. Fuck.  Sam aimed her rifle to look around when Jules reappeared once more, screaming for help.  He was even farther out.  Arthur went towards Jules and Sam kept steady hands on her gun.  She watched Arthur pick up Jules and turn around...and that's when she saw the beast.  It really was a huge gator and Sam swore it was an albino one.  She started firing at the thing immediately.

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