The Day After

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I'm so sorry, I've had horrible writer's block with this chapter so tjat's why it took me so long to post.

Arthur woke up the next morning with a naked Sam in his arms. They'd had sex a couple more times last night before finally retiring for the evening. Arthur gave the sleeping woman a small kiss on the mouth before climbing out of her cot and getting dressed in his summer gunslinger outfit. He put on his hat, gave Sam a kiss on the cheek and walked out. He stretched as he stood outside and let out a loud yawn. He was oh so incredibly satisfied right now and had a broad smile on his face. He walked over to Pearson's cart and grabbed an apple to bite into before going over to the pot to pour himself some coffee. As he did, the girls were smiling at him knowingly. Arthur eyed them skeptically.

"What?" he said with the apple still in his mouth.

"Nothin'," Mary-Beth said.

"How was your night, Arthur?" Tilly asked.

Arthur took a bite of his apple, barely able to contain the smile on his face. "Fine."

Karen, Tilly, Abigail, Sadie, and Mary-Beth started giggling. "Just fine?" Karen asked.

Arthur took a sip of his coffee. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothin'. We just uh...there was quite a bit of noise comin' from Miss Burke's tent last night."

Arthur chuckled, a blush creeping on the bridge of his nose. "Oh yeah? What kind of noise?"

"The good kind," Abigail said.

The girls started giggling again and Arthur shook his head. "Now ladies, I reckon you mighta been hearin' things."

"Oh, I heard plenty," Karen laughed.

The girls broke out into hysterics and Arthur felt his face grow hot with happy embarassment. "I ain't got a clue what you mean."

Mary-Beth sighed. "Oh stop teasin' him, girls. You know a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"Doesn't kiss and tell what?" Javier asked as he walked over. "What are you women talkin' about?"

The women snickered amongst themselves and Arthur took another bite. "We're talkin' about Arthur and Sam finally gettin' together last night," Karen said.

"What?" Javier said in shock as he gaped at Arthur. "You and Sam?"
Arthur put on a blank face, or tried to as he drank from his coffee cup. He was in a very happy mood and there was no way he was going to let anything bring him down that morning. So, he inclined his head to Javier.  Javier clapped a hand on Arthur's shoulder and laughed. "Ah, amigo. It's about time you had a woman. Does this mean Sam is goin' to stay with us now?"

Arthur shrugged. "I dunno, maybe?"

The girls bounced up and down happily while cheering. "Well, I hope she stays with us. I like her," Tilly said.

Arthur finished off his apple and coffee with a grin. "I like her too," he said with a chuckle.

Just then he spotted Dutch out by the shore and he excused himself from the girls and Javier before walking over to him. Dutch turned and smiled at him.

"How you doin', old friend?" Dutch asked Arthur.

"Fine," Arthur replied with a smile.

Dutch leaned back a little and smirked. "You sure seem in a good mood."

Arthur cackled. "That's because I am in a good mood, Dutch."

Dutch laughed, giving him a knowing look. "Well, it's funny, us endin' up down here. My daddy died in a field in Pennsylvania, fightin' this lot. I ever tell you that?"

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