The Lie

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

Sam and Arthur started setting up their wagon/tent.  She put one of the photographs of them in Saint Denis up on the wooden part next to the picture of young Hosea, Dutch and Arthur.  Sam traced her fingertip over Hosea.  She missed him terribly.  Sam felt arms wrap around her from behind and she leaned into Arthur.

"I miss him too," Arthur whispered with a sadness in his tone.  "He was like a father to me."

"I feel the same way, though you knew him a hell of a lot longer than I did," Sam answered, sounding forlorn.  Arthur's beard scraped against her neck and she giggled lightly.  "That tickles."

"Oh, does it now?"  Arthur squeezed her sides with his fingertips and Sam squirmed with a high pitched giggle.  "Is someone ticklish?"

He tickled her once more and her body jerked.  "You stop that, Arthur Morgan!" she laughed.

"Nope."  Sam squealed and giggled hysterically when Arthur continued his torture on her.  She fell on the bed and he straddled her, wiggling his fingertips into her sides.  "I got you now!"

Sam cackled uncontrollably as her body jerked and spasmed about.  "Arthur, you're gonna make me pee in my pants!"

"That's the plan!"

In the struggle, Sam managed to grab his sides and she started tickling him too.  He flinched and a giggle actually came out of him.  Sam's jaw dropped and her eyes filled with wonder.  "Did you just giggle?"

"No," he replied, looking flushed with embarassment.

"You did!"  Sam tickled him again and Arthur yelped. 

"Alright, that's enough out of you!"

He bent down and pressed his lips on hers.  Hard.  Sam moaned into his mouth as her tongue slid across his bottom lip.  It invaded his mouth, but only just.  Arthur froze for a moment before a delightful moan erupted from his throat, pressing his tongue to hers.  They swirled them together, then Sam suckled on his tongue to bring it from his mouth.  Arthur placed a hand through her hair and the other caressed her cheek.  Sam dragged her nails up and down his arms.  The motion caused Arthur to shudder.

There was an abrupt "ahem" and Sam and Arthur stopped what they were doing, opening their eyes and slowly turning their heads toward the sound.  Dutch was staring at them.with amusement in his eyes.  Sam noticed some of the camp members were staring at them.  Heat rose in her cheeks, feeling almost horrified that they' forgotten to shut the flaps.

"Sorry to interrupt your, um, foreplay, but I need to borrow Sam for a moment," Dutch said, barely able to contain his laughter.

Arthur cleared his throat and they both got off the cot.  Sam brushed a hand through her loose hair a few times. 

"Yup, sure," she said a little bit quickly.

As Dutch gestured toward his tent, Sam went to walk when she heard a slap and felt a sting on her behind.  Sam screeched and she turned around to give Arthur a scolding look. 

"Arthur god damn Morgan!" she barked out.

Arthur was lighting a cigarette at this point, looking quite pleased with himself.  "You know you love it," he said, inhaling from the cigarette.

Sam's lips puckered up, trying to hide her smile.  There was a twinkle in her eye that held a promise that she would get him back for that.  She turned around and followed after Dutch quickly, who had stopped to watch the spectacle with a raised brow.  They both entered his tent and Molly looked up with a grin.

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