The Market Job

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Arthur arrived at the market in record time.  He was there, asking around for Derek Young but most of the people there didn't speak English because they were Chinese, which was frustrating.  He had no idea how anyone could come up with the words these people were speaking.  He even spoke to the trapper at his permanent stall and he said he had no clue where the man was, although he knew of him.

"Can you give me a physical description, at least?" Arthur asked.

"Medium length black hair, green eyes, kinda lanky and tall.  Scar over his left cheek.  Hard to miss in a crowd, really," the trapper answered.


Arthur went looking around the market again but there was no one who fit that description.  Suddenly he had an idea.  He went out of the market place and into one of the alleys on the opposite side.  It didn't take long for him to run into a group of kids.

"Hey, fellers.  Do you happen to know a man named Derek Young?" Arthur inquired.

"Who wants to know?" one of the older kids asked.

"Me.  I'm uh...collectin' a debt for Mr. Bronte."

"Oooh, sure, pal.  We know who you're talkin' about.  He's over in the slums in the north part of the city."

"Thanks, kid."  Arthur pulled out five dollars and handed it over.  "For your trouble."

"Thanks, mister!"

Arthur walked out of the alley and mounted up on Boadicea II.  He headed up the street and at some point got to the slums of Saint Denis.  He hitched up his horse and started asking around for Derek Young.  He was directed to one of the houses and Arthur went to knock on the door.  When there was no answer, he knocked again.

"Derek Young!  Get out here!  We got business to attend to!" Arthur shouted.

Suddenly there was the sound of glass crashing and Arthur backed up.  A tall man with black hair went running from the back and Arthur went after him.  He chased him all through the slums, but Derek Young was really fast.  He raced through alleyways but Arthur pursued him nonetheless.  Derek eventually got on a trolley and Arthur cursed as it went gliding away from him. 

Arthur spent a few more hours looking for Derek, going back to his home a few times to check if he was there.  He wasn't.  Arthur, feeling completely defeated, sat down on Derek's stoop and bowed his head.  Now how was he going to get Sam back without that money?  Arthur lit up a cigarette, trying to form a solution in his head.  His mind was racing at this point.

Suddenly an idea came to him.


Sam was sitting in her room reading a book to pass the time, but she kept stopping to look at the clock on the wall.  It was now a quarter past three in the afternoon.  He'd been gone for hours.  Sam tossed the book on the bed and growled loudly.  There came a knock on her door and she sighed.

"Yeah?" she half shouted.

"Mrs. Callahan, your husband is here," someone said.


She ran to the door and opened it to see a guard standing there.  He backed up and Sam went running down the hall to the stairs, taking two at a time.  Arthur was in the foyer with Mr. Bronte and Sam jumped into Arthur's arms.  He laughed as he held her tightly.  Mr. Bronte cleared his throat and the two faced him.

"Alright, you are free to go, Mrs. Callahan," he said.  Sam grinned and the two went to the door.  "However..."

They both stopped.  Uh oh.  What now?  They both turned and looked at him.  "However?" she asked.

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