The Job

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It was early the next morning, about 8 am, and Sam had a bout of morning sickness but she quickly got over it.  She had to, for today was her first day at her new job.  She went through her morning routine of getting dressed, brushing her teeth, and brushing her hair.  Today, Sam was dressed in a white button down shirt, black pants and black western boots.  She decided to roll up her sleeves for the day.  Based on how bright the sun was shining from the curtains and the sticky, humid air inside the modest hut, it was going to be a hot September day.  Before donning her beaver mountain hat, Sam put her hair in a loose ponytail.  She really needed to get a haircut.  Her blonde locks went all the way down to her ass now.

Sam made kissing noises to Clarice who came running towards her from the bed, jumping up and landing on Sam's arm.  While her and Arthur had set up a little makeshift bed for Clarice near their own bed, the little varmint preferred sleeping near the top of Arthur's head.  After trying three times to make her sleep out of the human's bed, the couple gave up and allowed Clarice what she wanted.  Sam gave the monkey a few kisses on the neck before looking at Arthur.  He was dead to the world, apparently.  Sam walked over and kissed his cheek.

"Wake up, you lazy bag of bones," she whispered in his ear.

Arthur grumbled and rolled over.  "Mmm, I'm not lazy.  I'm tired," he mumbled.

Sam scoffed and shook her head.  "But you're supposed to come with me to my job today.  Remember?"

"Mmm, I know, but can I meet up with you later?" he pleaded quietly.

Sam had never really known Arthur to sleep in.  This ticked Sam off a little bit.  He'd made such a fuss yesterday about her getting friendly with another guy, now he didn't even care?

"Say goodbye to Arthur," Sam begrudgingly said to her pet.  Instead of doing anything remotely close to that, Clarice started nibbling on the rim of Sam's hat.  "Hey, stop that," Sam giggled.

She sighed, walked to the door and opened it.  The sunshine was blinding and Sam had to take some moments for her eyes to adjust as she held up her palm to block out the rays.  There were some clouds in the blue sky but nothing major.  Sam went and got a move on, wanting to leave early to go browse a little bookstore she saw in Pape'ete.  Before going to the stables, Sam made sure to bring some fruit and a full baby bottle for Clarice, then she got to the stables, saddled Orion up and headed on out.  Pape'ete was just a few miles west of the local village, which was only a few miles north of the Kilgore farm. 

A breeze from the north hit Sam and she smiled, shutting her eyes and taking in the scent of sea water.  Clarice squeaked and chirped away, supposedly having difficulty deciding whether to sit on the saddle or on Sam's shoulder.  As she got to the small village she waved to a few of the residents, having gotten to know some of them.  A majority of them, however, were wary of her and the other members of Van der Linde's gang.  Sam assumed they'd stop in time.

Once she reached Pape'ete, she had a sudden craving for...something.  Sam wasn't sure what she wanted, but she deduced that it was because of her pregnancy that she was having a food craving.  And then a smell hit her nose like a breath of fresh air.  Dough and sugar.  Oh god, she hoped she was smelling doughnuts.  The scent was almost unmistakable.  Sam looked around, wanting to find the source of the smell.  She hitched Orion to the side of the road and crossed the street where the smell was getting stronger. 

And then there it was.  A bakery.  With the name written in French, English and what she assumed was Tahitian, Sam walked in with Clarice on her shoulder.  A bell signaled their entrance and a Polynesian man, possibly in his fifties with a full head of salt and pepper hair, greeted her. 

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