The Indian

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Arthur narrowed his eyes. "What did you just say?"

Dutch sighed. "The money is gone and Sam is missin'. As much as I don't want to believe it, Arthur...well..."

Arthur's heart jumped into his throat. He looked around and saw that her horse was gone. "No," he said. "There has to be another explanation! There's no way she woulda done that!"

"All the evidence points to her doin' it, Morgan," Micah said. "Face it. Your wife is a thief and a traitor."

Arthur growled and charged Micah, grabbing him by his jacket. "You take that back!"

Micah laughed and held his hands up. "Well, you have another explanation?"

"I do," Charles said, kneeling by an area in camp. "There's blood on the ground here."

Arthur let go of Micah and walked to where Charles was. There was, in fact, a small pool of blood on the ground. Arthur's rage almost took over but he tried to remain calm.

"That don't mean nothin'," Micah said.

Dutch came over and looked at both Charles and Arthur. "None of this makes sense. I never pegged Sam to do anythin' like this."

Arthur looked at Dutch. "Dutch, she wouldn't have done this, I swear. Sam is loyal to this gang, you know she is." Arthur looked down at Charles. "You think she was knocked out and taken somewhere?"

"Yes, I believe so. And whoever did this must've taken the money," Charles said, standing up. "I'm with Arthur on this, there's just no way Sam would do this."

"That blood could belong to anyone!" Micah said.

"Shut up, Micah!" Charles snapped.

Arthur looked around at the group. Some looked as if they were taking Micah's side...maybe, but Arthur was glad Dutch didn't seem that convinced of the nonsense that Micah was spewing. "Dutch? My wife would not do this. I mean, how would she know where to find the money?"

Dutch looked at Arthur skeptically. "Only I knew where I put the money.  None of this makes any god damn sense."

"We need to find Sam," Charles said.  "Whether or not she's to blame for the money being gone, we need to find her.  Who was the lookout last night?"

"I was," Javier said, rubbing his head.  "But I was knocked out."

Arthur bowed his head with a jerk.  "Great, but there's no way she could've knocked him out."

"Oh, that's horseshit!" Micah growled.  "Just face it, Morgan.  Your wife betrayed us!"

Arthur glared at Micah.  "You shut your god damn mouth, Micah, or I'll shut it for you!"

"Enough!" Dutch shouted in a commanding voice.  "Charles, Javier, you ride out and find her.  Arthur, you meet up with Micah and I in Annesburg.  We got business there."

Arthur's jaw dropped.  "What?  Dutch, Sam is my wife!  You can't just-"

"Enough, Arthur," Dutch said with a glare.  "You are a biased party.  If she stole that money and you find her..." Dutch trailed off.

"Everyone here is biased!  They know she wouldn't do somethin' like this!"

"I don't know, Arthur," Javier said, walking up to them.  "I mean, she's only been with us for a few months.  Maybe...maybe that whole "from the future" thing was a sham and she really is an O'Driscoll."

"That's a load of bullshit!" Sadie interjected.  "She ain't no O'Driscoll, otherwise why would she help me kill a bunch of them and Colm?"

"She's right, Javier," Arthur said.

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