The Kidnapping

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It was nightfall, and not only had Arthur robbed a bank and collected a debt from Mrs. Downes, he'd also helped Javier and John steal horses from the Braithwaites.  However, when he got back to camp from doing all that, Sam was nowhere to be found.  Oh well.  He wasn't too worried about her.  She was with Sean and Hosea.  Supposedly.  Arthur ate his dinner in silence and smoked a cigarette while writing down the day's events in his journal.  He became so distracted in his musings that he didn't notice someone walk up to his cot.

"Hey there, handsome," Sam said.

He immediately shut his book and turned his face up to smile at Sam.  "Hey there, beautiful.  How did the thing go at the Braithwaite's place?"

Sam sighed and sat on the cot next to him.  "Sean and I burned the Gray's tobacco fields with moonshine."

"Yeah, I went and stole the Braithwaite's horses today."

Sam made an impressed expression.  "You had a busy day."  She moved behind him and started massaging his shoulders.  "You look like you need a massage."

Arthur shut his eyes and lowered his head.  Whatever Sam was doing felt extremely good.  "Oh man, do I ever..."

"How did the bank robbery go?"

"Fine, but we killed a lot of law on the way out."

"And the Downes debt?"


Sam rested her chin on his shoulder for a few moments.  "Good."  She went back to rubbing him down.  "So, I was thinking..."


"I think I need a bigger bed.  As much as I love cuddling with you as close as ever each night, sometimes I do need my space."

Arthur chuckled with a nod.  "I know.  I do too.  We get real sweaty sometimes, especially in the south here."

Sam continued rubbing his shoulders and back, and Arthur felt relaxed and calm.  Eventually Sam finished up and wrapped her arms around him.  "We should see if Rhodes has a furniture store or something."

"Or...we could just take my bed and put it next to yours," Arthur said, turned his head to look at her.

Sam blinked at him.  "Are you suggesting we move in together?"

"Well, why not?  I spend every night with you anyway."

Sam gave him a smirk.  "I think that's a good idea."

Arthur gave her a soft kiss and leaned back against her.  "Hey, is there anythin' about the future that you miss?"

"Oh yeah.  I miss tv."

Arthur laughed.  "Anythin' else?"

"...I miss toothbrushes.  I feel like my teeth need a good scrubbing."

"Well, shit.  Why didn't you say so?  We got toothbrushes."

"You do?"

"Yeah, they sell them at any general store."

"What about toothpaste?"

"I've never heard of that.  What is it?"

Sam chuckled and took off Arthur's hat to run her fingers through his hair.  "Just something that helps clean teeth."

"Oh.  Well, how about we go into Rhodes tomorrow and do some shopping?  If they don't got what you need, I'm pretty sure Saint Denis would have it."

"Hmm.  Maybe."

"What else do you miss?"

Sam huffed a little.  "I miss my friend Tiffany.  And I surprisingly miss my job.  I was a damn good waitress."

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