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"Ouch!" Sam yelped.

Miss Grimshaw sighed.  "I know it hurts, Miss Burke, but we're almost done," she said.

Sam was getting her stitches out today.  Her wounds had finally healed up enough to where they could be taken out.  She was going to have scars, but at least they were going to look badass.  Besides, how many people did Sam know who'd survived a bear attack?  Well, in all fairness, she didn't know anyone who'd been attacked by a bear, but who cared?  She survived an attack, thanks to Arthur and Hosea.  Miss Grimshaw was working on the last set of stitches in Sam's shoulder when Grimshaw started talking again.

"So, you and Arthur, huh?" Miss Grimshaw asked Sam.

Sam blushed a little.  "Maybe.  I dunno."

The older woman gave Sam a knowing smirk.  "Oh come now, Miss Burke.  You know he likes you, and you like him.  It's goin' to happen eventually."

"What's gonna happen eventually?"

"You two are know...form a relationship."

Sam laughed, then she grimaced from having a difficult stitch removed.  "I think that's already happened, Miss Grimshaw, although we haven't actually kissed yet."

"Oh?  Why not?"

"We keep getting interrupted.  First the O'Driscolls, then a bar fight, then the girls spying on us."

"And this all happened yesterday?"

"Yes," Sam confirmed.

Susan let out a puff of air.  "Well, don't worry.  It'll happen soon enough."

Miss Grimshaw got the last stitch out and Sam sighed in relief.  She looked down at herself and pouted.  Well, at least her nipples were intact, but she wondered what Arthur would think of her once he saw her naked...if he saw her naked.  Ever.  The thought made her blush and she reached for her newly stitched up bra that Grimshaw had been kind enough to fix.  Sam put it on and grabbed fer white waitress shirt. 

"Thanks for this, Miss Grimshaw," Sam said gratefully.

"You're welcome, dear," she replied as they both got up from behind the girl's cart. 

Sam walked around and looked for Arthur.  He was nowhere to be seen.  Damn.  "Ah, Sam.  How are you today?" Charles said as he approached her.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Sam replied.

"Good.  I was thinkin' about huntin' for some bison today.  You think you're up for that?"

Sam rolled her shoulder and only winced slightly.  "I think so.  I'm just glad I was able to get my rifle fixed."

"Good.  There's some over on the plains, I believe.  I saw a couple a long way off earlier.  Let's mount up."  The two walked to their horses and got on, then they trotted out of camp.  "You know, it was before my time, of course, but my mother used to tell me stories of how her tribe moved with the bison.  They lived almost as one.  Where the bison went, my people went.  They were the center of all life...we couldn't survive without 'em.  They provided us with, clothing, shelter, tools.  There was a lot of respect."

"That's pretty amazing," Sam said in awe.  "Having that kind of relationship with an animal, I can definitely see where the respect comes in."

Charles gave her a warm smile.  "Let's try over here to the left."  They both turned slightly to the left and as they got on top of a small hill, Sam saw the bison and grinned.  "Over there, you see them all?  Incredible, aren't they?  We should only kill one of them."  They slowed to a stop.  "I'll keep 'em ringed in and you see if you can bring one down.  Okay?  Clean as you can."

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