The Necklace

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One week later...

Sam arched a brow as she looked over her cards before looking at the turn.  She had a pair of kings in her hands.  She briefly scanned Bill, Javier and Micah, wondering if any of them were bluffing.  The cards on the table were two 2's, a 3, and a king.  Sam had a full house.  She bit her lip as she decided on what to do.

"Okay, Micah," she said, smirking.  "I'll call your fifty cents, and I'll raise you a dollar."

Sam put the money in the middle of the pot.  Javier sighed and folded, as did Bill.  Heh heh heh, perfect.  Micah smiled.

"I call," Micah said.

Javier pulled out the river card.  It was a queen.  Sam arched her brow again, looking at Micah.  For a moment, the man looked smug.  Sam reckoned he might have two pair or maybe a full house.  Either way, Sam knew she had the better cards.

"All in," Micah said, shoving all his money into the pot. 

Sam whistled.  "Damn, you sure, Micah?" she asked.

"I'm sure," he said in a chipper tone.

Sam chuckled.  "I call." 

As Sam push her money in, she spotted Arthur across the way.  He met her eyes and smiled at her with a wave.  Sam was surprised he was letting Micah anywhere near her.  Then again, Sam had a feeling Arthur trusted her to handle herself against the man.

Micah flipped his cards over.  "Full house.  Queens."

Sam nodded with respect.  "Not bad, Mr. Bell.  You played well."  Micah chuckled deeply and went to pool the money when Sam laid her cards down.  "Full house.  Kings.  I win."

Micah's jaw dropped and Javier started clapping with a laugh.  Bill also started laughing.  Micah growled and got up from the table, walking away in a fury.  Sam snickered a little.

"Oh come on, Micah, don't be like that!" she shouted.

Micah waved her off and Sam cackled.  It felt good bringing Micah down a peg or two.  Sam collected her winnings and started organizing it as Bill shuffled. 

"So Sam," Javier said.  "Is it true Micah spied on you while you were naked?"


Javier laughed.  "I'm surprised you and Arthur didn't kill him."

"Yeah.  We're just biding our time," she joked.  Honestly, she did want to kill him but she was waiting for him to do something else stupid so she could blame it on the heat of the moment.

"I was there when she threatened to cut his dick off and sew it to his forehead.  It was great," Bill laughed.

Javier burst out laughing with the two of them.  Suddenly they heard Dutch shouting.

"This sulking, it's becoming very tiresome!"

"Everything' tiresome to you these days!" Molly shouted back.  "You've barely touched me in weeks!"

Sam looked over at Dutch's tent and sighed.  "There they go again."

"What do you want from me?!" Dutch snapped.

"To be treated with some respect and affection!  All them out there...they're laughing at me!" Molly exclaimed angrily.

"You think this is the way to a man's affection?!  Moping and pestering all the damn day?!"

"Oh, I can do a lot worse than that!"

"Is that a threat?!  Another great way to a man's affection!"

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