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Arthur bent down on his hands and knees with his head lowered.  Jesus Christ, Sam looked awful.  He sat on his rear end and grabbed her hand, kissing it softly a few times, then he just kept her hand to his mouth.  He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.  This was a nightmare seeing Sam like this, but at least she wasn't dead. 

"Mr. Morgan," he heard Monroe say outside the teepee.  "Is everything alright?"

Arthur put Sam's hand down and exited Rains Fall's home.  He looked Monroe in the eye.  "That's my wife in there.  She disappeared a couple days ago."

Captain Monroe sighed regretfully and put his hands on his hips, looking down at the ground with a shake of his head.  "I'm real sorry to hear that, Mr. Morgan.  I know she looks real bad, but I'm sure she'll recover."

Arthur wiped his chin, trying not to let tears fill his eyes, but he couldn't help himself.  "What happened to the men she was with?"

"I believe they were captured by the Indians, sir."

This is when Arthur's eyes filled with a controlled but blood thirsty rage.  "Where are they?" he asked with a growl, though he tried to sound as calm as possible.

Captain Monroe's eyes went wide.  "I'm not sure I should tell you.  You look like you might hurt or kill them."

"You're damn right I'll kill 'em!" Arthur snapped.  "Where in the god damn hell are they?!"

It was at this moment that some of the Indians started looking over in shock.  They were probably wondering what the fuss was about.  Monroe held his hands up to Arthur.  "Mr. Morgan, sir, killing them will not change anything.  Besides, I heard they claimed they didn't do any of that to her.  There was a third person involved."

"Who?!" Arthur shouted, his fists so tight that he had white knuckles.

"I don't know.  Rains Fall might know more."

Arthur's face turned red and be started pacing.  He needed to hit something, anything to try and calm himself down.  His heart was pounding in his ears and his breathing was ragged and shallow.  Some of the Indian men came over to see what was going on.  Their voices became inaudible as his heartbeat got louder in his head.  Arthur needed to find out who this third man was.  He needed to beat the shit out of all three of them. 

"...organ?  Mr. Morgan?"

Arthur stopped pacing and looked at one of the men addressing him.  "What?!" Arthur barked out loudly.

"We can take you to see these men, but you must restrain yourself," the native male said.  "We don't hurt prisoners."

"I'm not you folks."

The man sighed.  "You're right.  You're not us, so..." he leaned in close to whisper, "if you want to knock them around a bit, do so.  If it were my wife, I'd do the same thing.  But do not kill them."

Arthur merely nodded to the man and was led to a log building very close to Rains Fall's teepee.  One of the men opened the door and Arthur walked in to see two men tied up.  Their arms were behind their backs and they were sitting down.  Just the sight of them made his blood boil but he had to compose himself from killing them, otherwise the Indians would kick him out of there.  He approached one of the prisoners slowly, an anger in his eyes so apparent that he might as well have fire in them.  A man with a scar on his face looked up at Arthur and chuckled.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Arthur crouched down in front of the man.  "I'm the husband of the woman you kidnapped."

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