I'd Die For You

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The song is "Goodnight My Angel" by Billy Joel.

Clint, members of the Van der Linde gang and a whole heap of Faehau men were on the west side of Pape'ete near the mountain base shooting up Raimana's complex.  They were stuck near the front gate, peppering their shots away at any Drekoni that stood in their way and despite the wound in Sam's shoulder, she was fueled by adrenaline and the urge to find her husband which cancelled out the pain.  Sam was taking cover behind one of the pillars attached to the gate and Clint was on the other side.

"We gotta get this gate down somehow!" Clint yelled as a bullet grazed past.

"Ya think?!" Sam shouted, bending out of cover to take another Drekoni member out.

"Maybe we could find a chain to yank it down!" Javier suggested loudly.

"Where the hell are we gonna find that?!" John yelled.

"I don't know!"

"Sam!" Clint shouted.  "Use the shotgun on the hinges!"

Sam nodded, took out the shotgun and fired upon the hinges on her side of the gate.  Miraculously, the hinges broke.  She tossed Clint the shotgun after reloading it and he broke the hinges on his side.  The gates creaked as Sam and Clint kicked at them, receiving cover fire from the rest of their allies.  They continued to kick until finally, with a groan, the gates fell over and crashed onto the ground. 

"Well, that was easy," Sam said with a grin.

More shots were fired at them and they ducked behind the pillar once more.  Clint stared at Sam incredulously.  "You just had to jinx it!"

Sam laughed as she pulled out her rifle and resumed shooting.  The gang and the Faehau marched forward as they took down more Drekoni across the lawn.  They occasionally took cover behind trees and other obstacles as they continued their assault in the grounds.  Pretty soon they were at the steps of the ridiculously huge mansion and there were no more Drekoni around to challenge them.

"Well shit," Bill said.  "We'll never find Arthur in there!"

"Be optimistic, Bill," Sadie scolded.  "We'll find him in no time if we all look."

"She's right," Dutch said.  "Clint, we should have the Faehau stand guard so we don't have any surprises guests on our hands."

Clint nodded.  "Agreed."  He made his way to one of the Faehau men.  "Outou e te mau tane e faaea i o nei.  A tapea noa i te mata o te Drekoni."  [You and the men stay here.  Keep an eye out for more Dragons.]

The man nodded and Sam was the first to kick in the front door.  The foyer was huge with white, extravagant twin staircases mirroring each other that led up to the second floor.  The floor was black and white checkered tile and there were bamboo doors to her left and right.  There were wooden sculptures everywhere of dragons and what Sam assumed were the gods and goddesses of Tahitian culture. 

"Woa," Sam said in astonishment.  "This is...wow."

Clint appeared beside her.  "No shit.  Alright, let's search all the rooms, see if Arthur is in any of them."

They all scattered to go search all the rooms high and low.  Sam raced up to the second floor, revolvers in her hands as she checked rooms.  Clint and Dutch were close behind her before running towards the east wing.  Sam went the opposite direction to the west wing.  God, the place was huge.  How was she going to find her husband in this damn house?


Arthur was able to break free from the confines of the chair and had limped out of the room.  He was making his way down a hallway when he heard some footsteps running so he quickly went into another room to hide, hissing in pain as he shut the door.  He looked around in a panic.  What could he use to defend himself? 

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