The Swamp

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It was late in the morning when Sam and Arthur woke up together, naked and entangled with each other.  Arthur dressed in his gunslinger outfit while Sam clothed herself in a black chemise, a black jacket, brown pants and brown boots.  Her hair was done in a ponytail and she donned her hat before they both went walking out of the bedroom together, hand in hand.  They didn't really have plans other than just spending the day together doing chores.  They chopped wood, brought hay to the horses, groomed them, and brought feed to Pearson's food stall.  People were still congratulating them on their marriage throughout the day and it made Sam happy. 

At one point during the day, Dutch called both of them up to the house.  They went to the veranda where Dutch and Hosea were holding up. 

"I found us a way to sneak into Bronte's place," Dutch said.

Sam nodded while crossing her arms.  "Good.  How are we gonna get in?"

"Through the swamps.  I found us a man with a boat."

Sam sighed.  "Dutch, I can tell you're feeling better, but you should still be taking it easy."

Dutch chuckled.  "I am takin' it easy.  I'm not doing anything strenuous, as per your instructions.  But I need to go with you to meet the guy."

Sam frowned.  "Alright, but...Arthur and I will do the heavy lifting.  You just...sit and look pretty."

The three men laughed.  "Sit and look pretty?" Arthur asked her.  "What's that mean?"

"It means he shouldn't do anything."

Dutch chuckled deeply.  "Alright.  You two ready to go?"

Arthur and Sam glanced at each other before looking back at Dutch.  "Sure," they both said.

Hosea frowned and Sam blinked.  "What's wrong, old man?" Arthur asked.

"This just don't feel good," Hosea answered.

"How so?" Sam asked.

"We don't need to take revenge, we hardly know the guy."

"This ain't just about revenge, Hosea.  It's also about the fact that we are plannin' to rob a bank in his town.  A bank that he no doubt protects, a town where his men are gunnin' for us.  Before we do that, we need to put him out of commision.  Now Sam, I know we talked about you goin' to Blackwater, but it's just too risky right now.  So...we're gonna have to do the bank robbery," Dutch explained.

Sam gave him a nod.  "You're the boss."

"There's always an easier way," Hosea argued.

"There ain't no easier way," Dutch argued back.  "And not only that, but Sam needs to get her wallet back, don't you Sam..."

Sam gave another nod to the group of men.  "He has to know by now that I'm from the future.  I don't know what he'll do with that information."

"What could he possibly do with the information?" Hosea asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not willing to just sit around and wait for something to happen."  Sam narrowed her eyes with determination.  "He needs to be dealt with, and soon."

Hosea frowned at the girl, but he said nothing else.  "Arthur," Dutch said to his right hand man.

Arthur looked at the men then at Sam.  "Let's go, then."

Dutch left with the two people in tow.  "We're headed to a settlement called Lagras.  Before the trolley incident, I met a boatman there called Thomas who knows these waters like the back of his hand.  Bronte knows we survived the trolley station, and probably that we have Sam back, so he'll be expectin' some kind of reprisal."

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