The Trolley

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Once all the bodies had been cleared out, Arthur invited Sam out to do the trolley station robbery with him.  Sam was so excited but insisted they stop by the gun store so she could restock on ammo.  Arthur agreed, saying he could use a restock too after what just happened at Shady Belle.  After buying ammo, they walked through the streets of Saint Denis together, looking around at all the stores and businesses. 

"Is this what Minneapolis looks like in your time?" Arthur asked her.

"Oh goodness, no.  Minneapolis is bigger, has taller buildings, and is, well, cleaner than all this," Sam replied.

Arthur chuckled as they continued their stroll through the city, grasping his gun belt.  "I see.  Hey, what's an Oompa Loompa?"

Sam went into a small fit of giggles.  "Oh, they're from a movie.  They're these tiny orange colored men that help Willy Wonka run a chocolate factory."

"Oh."  Arthur stopped her and gave her a smile.  "We should stop at the government office, I think."

"The government office?  For what?"

"Our marriage license."

Sam cocked her head.  "Really?  You...want to do that now?  When we have so much going on?"

Arthur grabbed her hands tenderly.  "We might not get another chance to, Sam.  I want to marry you.  Today."

"But...I don't even have a dress."

Arthur chuckled.  "Yes you do."

Sam shook her head.  "I am not getting married in something that Bronte bought for me."

"Then we'll get you a different one.  Why are you bein' hesitant about this?"

Sam lowered her gaze.  "I'm not trying to be, but...we don't want to keep Dutch waiting."

Arthur nodded.  "True, but he can come be a witness."

Sam suddenly grinned at Arthur.  "Okay.  Let's go get our license."

After asking around for the registry office, they were directed to a building that ended up being by the police station.  It took them a while, but once they went through all the paper work, they finally got their license.  Sam exited the building happily with Arthur in tow. 

"Okay, so now what?  Oh crap!" Sam exclaimed.  "We need wedding rings!"

Arthur chuckled and reached into his satchel.  "Don't worry, I looted some bands off some dead men," he said, holding out the bands.  "I hope that's okay."

Sam scoffed in amusement.  "I don't care where they came from."

Arthur smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist as they walked, pocketing the bands back in his satchel.  "God, I love you."

Sam grinned and kissed his cheek.  "I love you too.  So...Dutch?"

"Yup, let's go find him."

They traveled through town on their horses to the trolley station, then hitched up and walked around looking for Dutch.  They found him in an alley way and walked toward him.

"There you are," Dutch said.  "Come on, keep walkin'.  You're late.  And you're bringin' Sam, huh?  Good.  She needs more practice."

Sam chuckled as her and Arthur walked behind Dutch.  "What's the urgency?" Arthur asked Dutch.

"We need to leave."  Dutch put a hand to Arthur's chest to stop him.  Sam stopped with them.  "Forever.  We've been doin' well, makin' money, but for all of us to leave together, we need enough for a boat.  Now I found a friendly ship captain, he's willin' to take us to Australia, or Tahiti.  We just need to pay for passage and and give him money for land when we get there.  No questions asked.  We will disappear.  Be reborn."

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