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Sam headed into Valentine after her hunting expedition. It was dark now and she felt she deserved a drink. She'd given Pearson the meat but she sold the pelts in Valentine. She'd gotten some money, and she wasn't sure how much she could buy for drinks, but she was going to find out. Sam walked into the saloon and looked around. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her, which made her uncomfortable. And lo and behold, Arthur was at the bar. Oh great. He spotted her and rolled his eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him, walked to the bar, and ordered a drink. After hearing the price, Sam knew she had enough to get totally hammered, but after looking at the patrons, she decided not to get that drunk. Maybe just a few shots of whiskey. After her third shot, ste went to leave when a man came up to her and grabbed her.

"Hey there, sweetheart," he said with a hiccup. "Where you goin' so soon?"

Sam narrowed her eyes at him. "Look, man, I just wanted a few drinks and then to go home. I'm not looking for companionship right now," Sam mumbled in irritation.

"Companionship? Who said anything about companionship?"

"I did. And I don't want it, so please let go of me."

"Ah, don't be like that, sweetheart, just-"

Sam slammed her foot on his and he howled. "Don't call me sweetheart!"

"Why you little-" he went to raise his hand to her but Arthur's hand grasped the man's wrist.

"Hey, leave her alone, Arthur said.

The drunk man glared at Arthur. "Hey, I saw her first!"

Arthur grabbed the man by the collar and throttled him. "I said leave her alone." Sam backed away as Arthur shoved the man away from the counter. Arthur looked at Sam with concern. "You okay?" he asked Sam.

"Just peachy," she replied. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." They looked at each other awkwardly and Sam tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You uh, would you like another drink?"

"I was just leaving, but...well...I suppose one more wouldn't hurt." Arthur put down two coins on the counter and was given two beers. Sam took one as Arthur took the other. They clinked their glasses together and while Arthur took only a sip, Sam watched him stare at her in amazement as she started chugging. Halfway through the bottle she stopped and giggled. "Sorry...I guess I'm just thirsty."

"Seems like it," he laughed.

Sam put the beer down and looked up at the man. "So, how long you been here?"

"A while. I've been pacing myself, though. How'd the hunting go?"

"It was plentiful."

"Ah." Arthur took a sip of his beer and so did Sam. "So you're from Minnesota, right?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Some of the girls told me."

"Oh. Been keepin' tabs on me, huh?" Sam said with a smirk on her face.

"Somethin' like that," Arthur said, baring his white teeth in a smile. For some reason, Sam felt weak in the knees at that smile. It was a really good one, and when he smiled, Sam found it hard not to see how handsome he really was. "So, I know I already apologized, but I feel I should apologize again for lassoin' you."

Sam sighed. "I suppose, but I should thank you for taking me back and making sure I wasn't going to freeze to death, so...thanks..."

"You're welcome."

Sam tucked blonde hair behind her ear again and took another sip of beer. "So, I suppose um...I owe you an apology too. For calling you all those names."

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