Feel the Burn

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"This is Agent Milton with the Pinkerton Detective Agency!" someone yelled outside.

"Already?" Dutch said as everyone stood up.

"Aw shit," Arthur commented.

"On behalf of Cornwall Kerosene and Tar, the United States Government, and the Commonwealth of West Elizabeth-"

"Here we go," Dutch says as him and Arthur near a window.

"-we are here to arrest you! Come out with your hands up!"

Sam heard the man outside talking. "Actually, let 'em have it."

Sam felt her body being pushed to the floor by Arthur as bullets went zinging past. People were shouting, windows were breaking, and Sam covered her head while remaining in the fetal position. How were they going to get out of this? She lifted her head to see Arthur and Sadie crawling towards the back. What were they doing?

"Stay down, all of you!" Arthur shouted.

Sam decided to follow on her belly. As she neared the back door, however, a lantern was shot and fire spilled onto her arm.

"Shit!" Sam shouted and moved further away as she smacked her arm to put the fire out. "That fucking hurts!"

Sam continued crawling. She'd assess the damage later. Once she was outside into the cool night air, the rain still pouring down, Sam took a left. When she turned the corner, she spotted Arthur and Sadie going to another house and quickly bounded after them. Sadie and Arthur were underneath the house now and she was climbing up through a hole in the floor. Whether it was a trap door or a broken area in the floor of the house, Sam was unsure. As Arthur made his way in, she cross the threshold to the house. Yep, it was a trap door.

Sam lifted herself up despite the stinging and throbbing pain in her arm. Arthur saw her and helped her up. "What are you doin' here?" he hissed with a hushed voice.

"I'm doing whatever you two are doing," Sam replied quite casually, but whispered the sentence.

Arthur sighed in frustration. "Okay, Sadie and I will cover the door, you get behind somethin' and wait until we start shootin', then you let loose, alright?"

Sam removed the rifle on her back and held it in her hands. "With pleasure, Mr. Morgan," she replied with just a slight cracking of a smile.

Sam got behind something while Milton was outside yelling as the shooting stopped. "You mistook it for weakness!"

"Why've they stopped shootin'?" Sadie whispered to Arthur.

"Now I will show strength and you may mistake it for brutality!" Milton continued loudly for all to hear. "There is no escape for any of you! I shall hunt you to the ends of the earth and the end of time!"

"This idiot is really startin' to irritate me," Arthur snarled while Milton continued on with his ranting and raving outside. Sadie tossed Arthur a rifle and Sam aimed at the door. "Come on!"

Arthur kicked the door open and began shooting as he walked outside. Sam and Sadie also began shooting from inside, bullets flying to and fro. As Pinkertons crumpled to the ground, Sam and Sadie advanced on them.

"We need to push 'em back!" Arthur commanded with authority.

"Okay let's go!" Sadie replied loudly.

The fight seemed to drag on forever but Sam kept on with her shooting despite the wind and the rain blowing in her face. She took a moment by hiding behind something to remove her hat and put her hair in a ponytail. Sam placed her hat back on and removed herself from cover before pulling the trigger and shooting a Pinkerton smack dab in the middle of his forehead. His body dropped and Sam looked for another enemy to kill amongst the shouting between Arthur and Sadie. She noticed Bill had joined the fight and was grateful for it.

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