The Money Is What?!

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

The four gang members got out of the boat and Sam tied it to the dock. "Well, that went well..." Sam said casually.

Micah shook his head. "Well, now we're gonna have the law on us for sure! Gettin' Marston out weren't worth the trouble!"

Sam scoffed. "If you're so worried about that, then why the hell did you come with?!"

"Because Dutch asked me to! Much to my dismay!"

"To your dismay? I didn't even want you to come with! I hate your dumb ass!"

"The feeling is mutual, princess!"

Sam growled and stalked over to her horse. "Go suck a donkey dick!"

Sadie and John started laughing and Micah stared at her in astonishment. "That's disgustin'," Micah said.

"Well, you are an expert on disgusting things, seeing as how you, yourself, are a disgusting individual, Micah god damn Bell!" Micah marched over to her and was about to get physical but Sam turned with her gun in hand, aiming it at him. He held his hands up and chuckled. "Don't even think about it, dude."

"They're gonna be on our tail soon enough if you two keep wastin' time," Sadie yelled impatiently. "Let's go!"

Micah barked with laughter and walked over to his horse while Sam holstered her gun and climbed onto Orion. The others mounted up, John getting on Sadie's horse Bob, and they rode out.

"Thank you guys," John said. "So what the hell happened on Saint Denis? Is Abigail alright?"

"She's fine," Sadie said. "Jack is too. She managed to escape when they got Hosea."

"Hosea. That still don't seem real, somehow. All them years, he was family."

It tore Sam's heart up to hear the mention of Hosea's name and that he died. It was still quite sore for everyone, even her, and she'd only known the man, what? Two months?

"And Lenny died, too," Sam muttered sadly.

John gaped at her. "No..." he said in shock. "What a god damn mess. And did we...what about...the-the money?"

Sam looked at Micah. "You wanna explain that one or should I?" she said, faking a smile.


Arthur had just gotten back from his "debt collecting" if that was what he wanted to call it. He was furious with Strauss. Preying on innocent people for money was something he just couldn't stand by and watch anymore. Strauss didn't deserve to be part of this gang. Not anymore. Arthur searched around for Strauss, finding him sitting on the same log that he was before.

"Hey," Arthur said to Strauss with a low tone.

Strauss looked up with a smile. "Ah, how did you get on, Mr. Morgan?"

Arthur shook his head. "Just dandy." Strauss looked back down at his ledger. "Just...get up."

Strauss gave Arthur a strange look. "What?"

Arthur grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him up. "Get up!"

Strauss was pulled to his feet. "What...what is wrong?"

Arthur started dragging him through camp. "Nothins wrong. Nothin' at all."

"What are you doing?!" Strauss yelled.

"Somethin' I should've done a long time ago." Arthur shoved Strauss to his cart. "Get your bag." Arthur looked down. "Is this it?"

Arthur picked up the bag. "I don't understand..." Strauss said.

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